The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1688 Mr. Yu is a super nice person

Chapter 1688 Mr. Yu is a super nice person

He Chen led the girls to eat first, and when Yu Yuanyuan passed by, several pairs of eyes watched Yu Yuanyuan carrying a big bag of lunch, while Yu Jinxiao's tall body just followed her.

The same question popped up in everyone's mind——

Are you really not going to help?Yu Yuanyuan looks so pitiful!
Yu Jinxiao sensed the breath coming from there, and he glanced calmly, scaring away all suspicious eyes.

For Yu Yuanyuan, this is no different from playing a game. If she raises the lunch box independently to the eating position, Xiao Zai Zai will be happy because of the sense of accomplishment.

He's not going to spoil the chance to make her happy.

What's more, Yu Jinxiao's eyes kept chasing that clumsy little figure, if there was any prelude to stumbling or falling, he could pick her up with one arm.

However, the one who needs to worry now is himself...

Do you want to eat these nasty things again? ? ?

Yu Jinxiao's picky taste buds are really not interested in these big pot meals.

I don't know who Yu Yuanyuan inherited, but he really doesn't care about food at all.

"Baba~ It's you!" Yu Yuanyuan distributed the food to the small bench beside him in a dignified manner.

After setting it up for Yu Jinxiao, she started to set it up for herself again.

"Wow, do Yu Jinxiao and Yuanyuan really eat these things?" The three girls started the discussion in a low voice, deliberately lowering their voices, not wanting to be heard by He Chen who was at the side.

But with He Chen's ears and heart of gossip, how could he act as if he didn't hear, and join in their discussion as soon as he turned around.

"Yuanyuan used to eat here all the time when she was filming in the film crew. She liked it very much," He Chen chatted with them with a smile, "Mr. Yu would come here occasionally, but no matter what Mr. Yu eats, he is very elegant, and it doesn't look like it. normal person."

As they said that, the three girls looked at Yu Jinxiao together, as if they were waiting for him to "eat".

Yu Jinxiao didn't intend to eat it.

But the little glutinous rice balls have already laid out the box lunch for him, if he doesn't eat...wouldn't it make her sad?

Yu Jinxiao who was erected had no choice but to feel embarrassed.

The food, which was already difficult to swallow, was made even more uncomfortable by a few pairs of strange eyes.

He turned his gaze and found that He Chen was looking at this side first, and even the three girls were also staring blankly.

When the four of them saw Yu Jinxiao looking over, they immediately lowered their heads and pretended to eat.

Yu Jinxiao ate slowly, and Yu Yuanyuan ate fast. Before she noticed, Yu Jinxiao picked out some barely edible food, and quickly packed the leftover lunch into the trash can.

Don't let the little glutinous rice balls see it!

Xiao Zaizai, who was eating so much, didn't have the energy to pay attention to other things at all. When she finished eating and touched her stomach comfortably, she realized that Baba not only finished eating, but also threw away the lunch box.

After dinner, He Chen discussed with the three girls that they could visit the film crew in the afternoon, but they had to leave for the city before dark.

The three girls did not object to He Chen's arrangement, and all agreed.

He Chen approached Yu Jinxiao, faltering and saying that he had something to discuss.

"Mr. Yu, if you go back to the city later, can you take care of the three girls on the way and send them to a safe place in the city."

After all, Yu Jinxiao was in trouble, He Chen was a little embarrassed when he made this request, his head was slightly lowered, and he was quietly observing Yu Jinxiao's reaction from the corner of his eye.

"En." Yu Jinxiao responded with a clear introduction.

What Yuanyuan said all along is correct, Mr. Yu is a super nice person!

(End of this chapter)

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