The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1689 Yu Jinxiao likes to listen

Chapter 1689 Yu Jinxiao likes to listen
During the break in the afternoon, He Chen took the three girls around to have a look around, and even took a group photo with them and signed autographs.

Yu Yuanyuan also actively showed them around her caravan.

The girl who came to visit the class also had the opportunity to take photos with Yu Cangnan.

Yu Cangnan is gentle and polite, good-looking, and a famous director, so he is very popular with passers-by.

However, both Yin Hui and Zhan Ming were filming today, and the girls gave up the idea of ​​asking them to take pictures.

It has been playing from the high sun to the temperature gradually closing.

Yu Jinxiao also planned to set off back to the city before dark.

At night, there is no light on the long road in the desert. The blackness without borders is very scary and dangerous, and it is completely different from driving late in the city.

Before parting, the girl held up her mobile phone and excitedly asked He Chen if he could post the group photo online.

He Chen didn't have any make-up today, it can be said that he only put on sunscreen, his makeup was completely bare, and he didn't even do his hair.

He also didn't expect that fans would travel thousands of miles to visit the class in the desert.

After all...he already felt that he had been confused.

Looking at the fans who came here specially today, he was actually very moved.

"You can post it, no problem." He Chen's habitual over-concern about appearance made him feel a little ready to move.

The girl nodded happily when she heard that.

After sending them to the car, He Chen told them to pay attention to safety, and if everyone is gone, they can report to him that they are safe.

The girl held her mobile phone as if she was holding a precious treasure: "Can I AT you when I send a photo? Just take it as a sign of safety."

"it is good!"

Before the sky completely darkened, everyone was preparing to set off back to the city.

Among the people who came together, only Yu Yuanyuan was left behind.

The little cub who was happy just now was hanging outside the car, trying to climb to the window of the car to talk to Yu Jinxiao.

The little feeling of reluctance is all on the little back of the trailer.

The three girls sitting in the car next door took out their mobile phones one after another, taking pictures of that cute little back.

In fact, Yu Jinxiao had already said goodbye to Yu Yuanyuan outside the car for a long time. After talking comforting and coaxing for almost half an hour, the little glutinous rice ball still looked reluctant.

For her, not being able to see each other for seven days is really too long!

Not only can't see Baba, but also can't see Mama and brother, there is no comfort in that little mood.

"Baba, remember to call Yuanyuan at night~"


"Baba, you have to go to bed early, you can't stay up late!"


"Baba, you have to eat well!"


I don't know who is the parent, but the little milk voice started to babble endlessly.

However, Yu Jinxiao likes to listen.

Yu Cangnan and Xiao Ran, who arrived late, thought they had already left, and their heads were covered in sweat from running.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan managed to delay Yu Jinxiao's departure.

If this little bean was allowed to hang on the door of the car, I'm afraid I couldn't set off until it got dark.

Yu Cangnan smiled helplessly, stepped forward and simply hugged Yu Yuanyuan from the car door.

Fortunately, Shuxuan and I washed the car clean before departure, even though Yu Yuanyuan hung on the door of the car and rubbed it for a long time, the clothes didn't get dirty much.

"Second Uncle~" Xiao Zai Zai put his hands on his shoulders, his eyes were still glancing in Yu Jinxiao's direction.

"Okay, it's getting late, we're leaving." Yu Jinxiao stretched out his hand and waved to Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Cangnan, and when he retracted his arm, he subconsciously prepared to roll up the car window, but his fingers stopped suddenly.

If the car window was rolled up, the little glutinous rice ball would not be able to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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