The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1690 I eat this kind of He Chen

Chapter 1690 I eat this kind of He Chen
But if the car windows are not closed, the wind and sand outside will float into the car and fly everywhere.

He Shuxuan originally wanted to close it, but he felt the warning aura floating behind him, so he had to take it back.

He tried to start the car, and seeing that Mr. Yu didn't say anything, he slowly stepped on the accelerator and officially took the lead.

The moment the car was moving, Yu Cangnan who was holding Yu Yuanyuan felt her little feet move, as if she still wanted to chase the car.

But because of being hugged by him, Yu Yuanyuan could only be quiet obediently.

At such a young age, he was about to come to the crew to film a movie, and he was still alone.

Thinking of this, even Yu Cangnan felt distressed.

Before the car drove far away, Yu Cangnan ran forward holding Yu Yuanyuan in his arms: "Let's go after Dad—"

"Okay!" Yu Yuanyuan cheered on Yu Cangnan's shoulder as she said.

Yu Jinxiao didn't stop the car.

Because he had seen this kind of operation when he was young.

Obviously he was reluctant to part with his father, but the second brother wanted to let him ride on his neck, saying that he wanted to chase his father to send him on a business trip.

Yu Jinxiao didn't let He Shuxuan stop.

Back then, the fun was focused on "chasing".

Yu Yuanyuan, who was originally depressed with a small face, smiled happily under Yu Cangnan's leadership.

Even the girls who followed took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this cute scene.

Running and running, Yu Cangnan was so tired that he was almost out of breath, not to mention the small gas tank Yu Yuanyuan was still hanging around his neck.

The speed of the person was gradually slowed down by the car, and the two stacked long figures were landed at the door of the crew, standing quietly.

When the surroundings became quiet, Yu Cangnan was suddenly a little afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would cry.

His technique of comforting children is not high.

Suddenly there was a pitiful sound of sniffling above his head, Yu Cangnan's heart shrank, and just as he was about to say something to comfort Xiao Zai Zai, he heard the sound of snack bags rubbing behind him.

Almost instantly, the sound of sobbing and sniffling disappeared.

He Chen didn't know when he took out a bag of dried strawberries from his body, and shook it in his hand: "Yuanyuan, do you want some dried strawberries?"

"Okay!!!" The little milk voice shouted above her head was full of excitement.

Yu Cangnan looked at He Chen, and patted him on the shoulder as he passed by, a simple gesture made a thousand words clear.

What would he do if there was no He Chen in the crew to take care of Yuanyuan!

When he first arrived at the set, Yu Cangnan didn't arrange for Yu Yuanyuan's filming, so Xiao Zai Zai sat on the set with snacks and watched other people's scenes.

He Chen, who put down his phone and was serious about accompanying Yu Yuanyuan, never expected that the three young ladies who had already arrived in the urban area just posted a group photo on Weibo and added @他报安, and the popularity of this Weibo became terrifying. Speed ​​is climbing.

[What's the situation, He Chen's new play? ? 】

[I can't believe it, he didn't follow the idol route?so dark? 】

[Anyway, I don't like his previous face, he looks much more handsome now. 】

[Fuck, what kind of handsome black-skinned muscular guy is this!I eat this He Shen! ! 】

Yu Jinxiao, who had already arrived at the downtown hotel, called Yu Yuanyuan.

When the little boy hugged his wrist and dialed the phone, He Chen took the time to look at his phone.

This is unbelievable...

Why is he suddenly on the trending search? !
He Chen is now afraid when he sees the trending searches.

However, he was not in a hurry to read those messages and comments first. He found three girls @ His Weibo, made sure that they had reached the city safely, and even opened the comment area to leave a message.

It was at this time... He realized that something was wrong in the comment section.

Under the group photo posted by the girl, the number of comments is very high!
Could it be that he didn't have makeup and hair done, and was laughed at? ? ?

He Chen is no longer the glass heart he used to be, it's okay to laugh at him, he doesn't want to cause trouble for the three girls who came to visit the class.

(End of this chapter)

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