The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1708 The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 1708 The Most Powerful Person
The round, small body is akimbo, and the small face is serious and serious.

The more serious Yu Yuanyuan's expression was, the happier everyone laughed.

I didn't expect that she really wrote about herself!
In particular, that little face looked very proud, as if he thought he was a little hero upholding justice.

Even the other families who were eating melons laughed quietly.

Everyone can recall the situation when Yu Jinxiao wrote down the first answer eloquently just now, and then...

This is what happened.

This contrast made the show inexplicably full of jokes.

Seeing that Yu Jinxiao also wrote her name, Yu Yuanyuan felt even more proud on her little face, her chin almost went up to the sky.

Although she didn't understand the helplessness of Ba Ba being forced to write her name, Xiao Zai Zai only looked at the result, not the process.

"Now for the third question, everyone listen carefully!"

A new question appeared on the TV screen: Who is the most powerful person in the family?

this question...

Yu Jinxiao seriously suspects that Xie Xin is causing trouble on purpose.

Even this time he felt that the answer was himself, but Yu Jinxiao no longer had the courage to write his name.

This time, the children answered quickly, as if they always had their own answers in their hearts.

It took only half of the time to answer the questions, and the children already had their names on the answer boards.

Only Yu Jinxiao who was sitting in the middle frowned slightly, staring at the blank answering board in a daze.

At the end of the millennium second, he wrote three words with a pen.

It seems that after very careful consideration, the name was determined.

This time, everyone preconceived that the answer would definitely not be Yu Jinxiao.

[I know the answer: Yuanyuan! 】

[The answer in my heart is the second brother of the Yu family!Yuanyuan's videos and photos on Weibo were all posted by him! [Heart]】

[The above is right, although my heart is round, but the younger brother YYDS! 】

This time, Xie Xin deliberately did not announce the answers one by one, but asked everyone to directly show the answers on the question board.

Yu Mingxi wrote "Dad".

As if he had achieved some special achievement, Yu Jinxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, someone is willing to admit the importance of his father.

Yu Yingze also wrote "Dad" on the answer board.

It is rare for a father who gets two votes to feel the "respect" from his children.


This time he thought too much, and the answer was different from them.

On Yu Jinxiao's answering board, the name "Yu Yuanyuan" was impressively written.


This result aroused exaggerated exclamation from the audience.

In the heart of an adult and parent, Yu Jinxiao actually thinks that Yu Yuanyuan is the most powerful person?

No one else knew the reason, only Yu Jinxiao knew it well.

This little dumpling once saved his life.

Based on this alone, Xiaotangyuan is enough to be the "most powerful person".

Hearing that Xie Xin said that Baba gave her the answer, Xiao Tangyuan came out of the cubicle with a whimper, and shouted over there: "Baba, is it true???"

Being cueed suddenly, Yu Jinxiao wanted to pretend that he didn't hear anything.

But even if he didn't poke his head out to look, Yu Jinxiao could imagine how much that little face looked forward to at this moment, how could he bear to let her down.

"Yeah." He mumbled, and the microphone on his chest picked up the sound clearly.

"Quickly read Yuanyuan's answer, quickly read Yuanyuan's answer!" Xiao Zaizai took the answer board from He Chen, and tried to hold the question board "high" by virtue of his "advantage" of height.

(End of this chapter)

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