The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1709 Open the arms ahead of time

Chapter 1709 Open the arms ahead of time

Xie Xin originally thought that Yu Yuanyuan would write about herself.

After all, the answer to the previous two questions was her.

However, he didn't expect that the answer board in Yu Yuanyuan's hand said "Dad" this time.

"Huh? Yuanyuan's answer is not her own," Xie Xin deliberately put on a show, bullying Yu Jinxiao and now he can't see other people's answers, "It's really surprising!"

Yu Jinxiao glared at him silently, finally making Xie Xin feel the terrible oppression from Mr. Yu.

Everyone is sitting in a cubicle, and there is no way to tilt their heads to see the answer.

What's more, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to show the kind of curiosity and anticipation like a child.

He is a reliable adult, so he will not be fooled by Xie Xin!

Xie Xin was stabbed by Yu Jinxiao's eyes, and had to reveal the answer obediently, he didn't want to be struck to death with his eyes.

"Yuanyuan's answer is 'Dad'!"

Hearing Xie Xin read his answer, Yu Zaizai narrowed his eyes happily.

The round little paws are on the belly, and the little head is shaking from side to side.

"Why did Yuanyuan write 'Dad' this time?" She seemed to be asking why she didn't write her own name.

Xiao Zai Zai raised his head, looked left and right: "Because it's really boring to pull it out!"

"For example..." Xie Xin hoped that she could list a few things so that everyone would know where the "tiredness" lies.

Yu Zaizai bit his finger and thought for a moment, the whole recording scene fell silent for almost five seconds.

Speaking of it, it was Xie Xin's fault. When he edited later, he deliberately left this section blank. There was no special effect or dubbing effect. It was just blank for five seconds, which made the atmosphere to a certain height. .

"Baba makes a lot of money, and he even gives Yuanyuan pocket money!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

"Baba will tell Yuanyuan a story!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." What kind of skill is this.

"And, Baba is a good silver! He will help others and do good deeds!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." It's almost over.

"When in danger, Baba will protect Yuanyuan and save Yuanyuan. Baba is very handsome! He is very cute! Yuanyuan likes Baba the most!"

Following the firm announcement of the little milk voice, Yu Jinxiao's heart shook violently.

He always felt that Yu Yuanyuan was too young, and some things would be forgotten after a while.

But she didn't expect that in the heart of this little glutinous rice ball, some fragmentary and seemingly insignificant things he did would be seriously remembered by her.

"Thank you, Susu, can Yuanyuan go out for a while?" Yu Yuanyuan raised her little round paw...pointing to the outside of the cubicle, "Just a little bit, very quickly."

Xie Xin understood the purpose of the little milk bag in a second, and nodded.

With permission, Xiao Zai Zai happily opened his arms in advance, and ran out: "Baba..."

Puff, Yu Zaizai hugged the person he wanted to hug the most at this time, rubbing his head vigorously.

"Yu Yuanyuan..." The voice above her head was not the one Yu Zaizai wanted to hug.

The small body froze suddenly, and raised its head suspiciously.

Yu Yingze sat on the stool, looking at this little potato who obviously hugged the wrong person with a look of disgust.

That brain is still rubbing back and forth on the bench... Can you see the person clearly before hugging!

Yu Yingze knew that this hug did not belong to him, so he crossed his arms and looked at Yu Yuanyuan with a slight frown.

"Ah, Yuanyuan hugged it wrong!" Xiao Zai Zai let go of his hand, and took a few steps back, the scene was awkward for a while.

For others, it was once funny.

(End of this chapter)

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