The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1710 The most courageous person in the family

Chapter 1710 The most courageous person in the family

Say what comes to mind.

At first, everyone knew that Yu Yuanyuan hugged her wrongly, but when she showed that shocked expression, combined with that nervous little emphasis.

Someone at the scene laughed until they hit the ground.

The confused little cub didn't care about other people's laughter and gazes, retreated to a certain distance, found the cubicle where Yu Jinxiao was, and ran over again.

This time, she didn't rush with her eyes closed, but saw clearly that the person in front of her was "Dad", so she stretched her arms and hugged Yu Jinxiao's leg.



"No four, Yuanyuan just wants to hug and pull!" The little arm with little strength hugged his leg.

Through the trouser legs of the suit, Yu Jinxiao felt that the strength of the hug was also very weak, as if being hooped by a U-shaped pillow.

The little cub seemed to be performing some kind of ulterior secret ceremony, and after hugging Baba's feet, he turned around and prepared to leave.

But as soon as the small body took a few steps, Yu Jinxiao snatched it back by twisting his collar.

Her feet were still mechanically maintaining a running posture, and she swiped back and forth a few times in mid-air.

Yu Zaizai, who was belatedly aware of it, found that he was starting to rise, and then he was hugged by a powerful arm.

The little head turned around suspiciously, and what he saw was Baba's serious expression.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't dare to move, as if she was a fake doll being held in her arms.

"This is a hug, you know?" Yu Jinxiao emphasized seriously.

Matching that expression and saying such unacceptable words, everyone felt as if they were forced to stuff a mouthful of fudge, sweetening from their mouths to their hearts.

That man who doesn't seem to be approachable can actually exude the same sweet smell as a cub when he is raising a cub! !

"Aw~ Yuanyuan snarled~" The little cub was obediently held by Yu Jinxiao, and his little brain twitched.

Yu Jinxiao put her down with satisfaction, her small body was like a wind-up doll, and ran back to her own cubicle.

"This time, because one person gave the wrong answer, I can only get 5 points, but the Yuanyuan family got a total of 25 points, which is very good! It is already No.1!"

After Xie Xin announced, everyone present clapped their hands.

"Okay! The first meter!" Yu Yuanyuan cheered excitedly with inarticulate speech.

Next, they still have two questions, and they still have the opportunity to continue to accumulate points.

"Okay, please listen to the fourth question, there are five questions in total, and there are two more chances." After Xie Xin finished speaking, Yu Yuanyuan immediately frowned and entered the state of fully armed.

Regarding her food, Yu Zaizai spent 120 points seriously.

"Who's the bravest in the family?"

"It's simple!" Yu Yuanyuan's little milk voice came out from the microphone.

【Hahahahaha I have a hunch that things are not going well】

[Be nervous for Yu's father in advance]

【If it wasn't for Yuanyuan, I would really wonder why the members of Yu's family are so fat! 】

Everyone lowered their heads and wrote the answers, even Yu Jinxiao, who had been struggling before, wrote very decisively.

Answer time is up.

The camera is aimed at the first one - Yu Mingxi!

His answer may be the weather vane for this round of answers.

Yu Mingxi slowly turned over the answering board, what was written on it was neither Yu Yingze nor himself, let alone Yu Jinxiao, but Yu Yuanyuan!
At the same time, the cameraman cleverly took a close-up of Yu Yuanyuan.

With a chubby little body and a cute little face...

There is nothing in the writing all over his body that can be seen to be related to "big courage".

It must be the "filter" bonus of the big brother of the Yu family, it must be!

The camera turned to Yu Yingze, who turned over the answering board resolutely - it was also Yu Yuanyuan's name!
(End of this chapter)

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