The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1711 Is it different from everyone's answer

Chapter 1711 Is it different from everyone's answer

Reminiscent of the situation when Yu Jinxiao wrote the answer just now, he didn't hesitate to write the pen, and after he wrote it, he didn't revise it.

The "big courage" that Yu Jinxiao recognized so much is really related to this little ball in front of him? ? ?

"Why does even Yingze think Yuanyuan is the most courageous?" Xie Xin asked curiously.

When Yu Yingze heard this, his brows twitched, and he wrinkled into a ball: "This is a strange question. Yu Yuanyuan, who is the youngest and looks easy to bully, must be the least courageous? Anyway...some things can't be done. Talk too much, in my heart, she is very courageous!"

Think of what happened when you were kidnapped before.

If it wasn't for Yu Yuanyuan to be with him, her calmness would keep stabilizing his emotions, and Yu Yingze couldn't guarantee whether he would eventually collapse due to long-term fear.

It's just that he couldn't say anything about the kidnapping. His father had explained that he couldn't let outsiders know about it. Yu Yingze kept his mouth shut in a timely manner.

Xie Xin suddenly wondered why Yu Mingxi thought Yu Yuanyuan was courageous, so he went back and asked him to explain.

"Yuanyuan seldom cries, and she will get up when she falls down and move forward; and every time she encounters setbacks, Yuanyuan will bravely overcome them, even if she has been afraid, but she always knows to be strong! This point... She is better than any of us Do well."

Every bit of Yu Zaizai's life is not only a quick flash in her life, but also heals everyone.

He Chen who was holding the answer board for Yu Yuanyuan was also silent.

He inadvertently recalled the process of getting to know Yu Yuanyuan, and an indescribable force rushed from the soles of his feet to his hair.

Is it a coincidence?

The turning point in his life seems to have started when he got to know Yuanyuan.

Even some seemingly ordinary and simple truths are deeply felt in the contact with Yuanyuan, and thus become his principles of life.

Many people at the scene were deeply thoughtful because of Yu Mingxi's words.

The little friends on the sidelines were also silently remembering and thinking seriously.

After a while, Su Zhirui excitedly raised her paws, slapped her paws, and said loudly, "Yuanyuan is the most powerful!"

As soon as she clapped her hands, Sun Chengyu and Ling Zi followed closely behind, and even Qiu Yang clapped her hands expressionlessly.

different from others.

Qiu Yang didn't learn much spirit from Yu Yuanyuan, but Yu Yuanyuan's appearance made him firmly believe that his years of "superpower" finally paid off.

It's like a person who regards Superman as his ultimate idol, and finally sees the "Superman" who flew past from birth.

Even if it wasn't real enough, for him, it was enough to shock his childhood.

A group of parents looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally, led by the children, they also clapped their hands.

Although they don't quite understand how Yu Yuanyuan became the most courageous one.

With the announcement of the answers of Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi, Yu Jinxiao's answer became even more exciting.

He seemed to be against Xie Xin on purpose, obviously the camera had already been given to him, and he even pushed the close-up on purpose, but Yu Jinxiao still didn't show the answer for a long time.

Seeing this, Xie Xin asked deliberately with a smile: "Mr. Yu hasn't thought of the answer yet? Is it different from everyone's answer?"

Guan Zi was almost sold enough, so Yu Jinxiao turned the answering board around.

[Fuck!Yu Jinxiao actually wrote Yuanyuan!Shocked me for 100 years! 】

【What did Yuanyuan do to become the most courageous person in his heart? 】

[Could it be that Yuanyuan looks soft and waxy on the surface, but in a different image? 】

All the dads present were shocked and also taught a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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