The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1743 Hands Covering He Yitong's Eyes

Chapter 1743 Hands Covering He Yitong's Eyes
"I can help light the fire!" He Chen raised his hand emphatically, "What I just learned about filming recently can be put to use now."

【Hahahaha He Shen looks so proud, why are you so proud?】

[You are more naive than Zai Zai, your face is full of me, me, me, me]

"Really?" Yu Jinxiao didn't intend to start a fire, he wouldn't, let alone want to.

Since He Chen wanted to rush to do that choking and hot thing, he has no reason to disappoint people, right?

"I can help, what's the first step?" Yu Mingxi rolled up his sleeves and began to prepare for his attack.

Ten fingers do not stick to Yang Chunshui, I didn't expect that the first time I helped with housework was on the show.

He Yitong thought for a while, and a light bulb seemed to pop out of his head: "The first thing is to light the fire first?"

"Why the fire?" Yu Yingze couldn't figure it out, "I haven't prepared the vegetables and meat yet, did the fire stir up the air?"

Yu Yingze, who always spoke directly, seemed to have shot He Yitong in the knee, and her smug smile restrained a little: "Yingze is right, then we should..."

"First, arrange the order according to the time required for each dish," Yu Jinxiao stood by the stove and sorted the cooking prompts given by the program group. "The ones that take a long time should start at the earliest, from the longest to the shortest."

"That's right, that's right," He Yitong nodded in agreement as his head started to go blank, "You actually know how to cook?"

"No, but it's about the same concept as doing business."


Yu Mingxi is a smart kid, even if it is the first time he comes into contact with some things, he can quickly get started.

He Yitong didn't let him touch vegetables or anything, for fear that he would cut his hands.

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yuanyuan were mainly in charge of washing the vegetables, and Yu Yingze was in charge of helping He Chen start the fire together, and then help people wipe their sweat, move the bench, take off the coat and so on.

Yu Jinxiao, who had already rolled up his sleeves, thought that he could at least help cut the vegetables.

Although he can't, it's not a big problem to cut into strips and cubes.

A strip can be a shape, even if it is as thick as a finger, it can also be called a strip, even if the acrylic board says "cut silk".

Seeing his clumsy appearance in suit and leather shoes, He Yitong snatched the kitchen knife, and the light of the knife swayed in front of Yu Jinxiao's chest: "You just stand by and watch, leave these matters to me, I don't want to starve the cubs .”

Okay, if you don't chop vegetables, how about making noodles?
Isn't dough making unilateral beating with flour?This is easy!
But when Yu Jinxiao poured the flour into the bowl, He Yitong floated over to stop him again: "I'll do it, I'll do this."

Yu Jinxiao looked up at the cutting board at the side, on which was the "shredded silk" cut by He Yitong.

It can't be called silk anymore, it should be called a block, it's as thick as two fingers, and the head is big and the feet are small, very uneven.

After pouring the flour, He Yitong grabbed a bowl on the side to catch some water, and after a short snort, he lifted it up and fell down.


Flour flew into the air and dispersed into a color-changing mist in mid-air.

When the white mist dissipated over there, the barrage boiled again.

Yu Jinxiao's hand was covering He Yitong's eyes, and there was a little bit of blame in his eyes, but it was more of a look of blame out of concern.

If it wasn't for his quick reaction, all the flour would fly into He Yitong's eyes.

"Cough, cough, cough..." He Yitong coughed as he was caught off guard by the flour flying into the air.

Yu Jinxiao didn't let go of his palm until the surrounding flour was almost settled.

As soon as He Yitong raised her head, she met him with serious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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