The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1744 Rich people are like this, you have to get used to it

Chapter 1744 Rich people are like this, you have to get used to it
Before the divorce, Yu Jinxiao had always been obedient to her, no matter what the matter was, he seldom showed blame.

Unless she occasionally does something that accidentally hurts herself.

These memories all exist in He Yitong's mind, even if they belong to "her" in this book world, they don't conflict with the big sunspot she met in Wonderland.

"You take a break, I'm ready," Yu Jinxiao bent his sleeves, revealing his muscular and beautiful arms, "You can teach me."

In fact, He Yitong doesn't know anything. The reason why she tries to be brave is because she hopes that the cubs will also have a "powerful" mother.

The stoves of each family are not far apart. Even if they can't cook very delicate dishes, they can cut, wash, and peel vegetables very quickly.

Where is she like her?

If it was in Wonderland, Yu Jinxiao would go hunting even more.

He Yitong doesn't want the children to think that other people's mother can do everything, that her mother can't do two things: neither this nor that.

But Yu Jinxiao's words seemed to be deliberately giving her face.

Obviously she can't, but he is still willing to pretend to be the one she taught.

"I..." He Yitong faltered and wanted to explain.

"let us start."

He Yitong's height is much higher than that of He Yitong, and he has a sense of oppression from the altitude, but his movements and tone are gentle and addictive.

If he doesn't take action again, he is afraid that the children will get food poisoning when they eat at night.

He Yitong's every step reveals that she doesn't know how to cook, but she wants to keep trying to save face as a "mother".

However, how could the children change their feelings towards her just because she couldn't cook?
In front of the camera, Yu Jinxiao didn't say any useless truths, all he could do was to face it with her.

Following the steps taught on the acrylic board, Yu Jinxiao tried to add water little by little, slowly making the flour into the shape required by the above.

After making the flour, he cut the vegetables with a knife.

Although the shredded silk was not shredded, it was much better than He Yitong's "chunks".

In order to make herself look useful, He Yitong would help sort and put the cut things on the side.

"Wow, you're pretty good, you have the potential to be a chef," He Yitong picked up a shredded chili pepper and sighed, "Not bad!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

"I didn't expect that I could still eat your cooking." He Yitong smirked while loading the vegetables, "If Aunt Chen knows that you can also chop vegetables, I will be surprised."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

He Yitong said ten words, and Yu Jinxiao occasionally gave him a look, but she still chattered happily. This warm feeling can probably be matched by He Yitong and Yu Jinxiao.

"Wow, you are amazing, and you know how to cut pieces!"

Yu Jinxiao: "I've never eaten a pig but I've seen a pig run. Does it require any special skills to cut into pieces?"

"Then let's cut it evenly. You cut it very well." He Yitong was like an old king selling melons, and her husband praised himself, "I think you cut it very well."

Yu Jinxiao seems to know who Yu Yuanyuan inherited her rainbow fart habit from.

He Yitong, who originally wanted to show the tenderness of maternal love, ended up being the one who helped Yu Jinxiao.

He prepared the ingredients, she was in charge of loading the plates and washing the dishes, and both of them were very busy.

"Wait a minute." In the silent and busy atmosphere, Yu Jinxiao's voice suddenly sounded.

The camera paused, as if deliberately deepening the doubt.

He Yitong raised his head, thinking that he hadn't washed anything, and was waiting for Yu Jinxiao to point it out.

Unexpectedly, he raised his hand, wiped her cheek with the shirt on his elbow, and wiped off a small flake of flour.

The barrage exploded again.

[Tens of thousands of shirts are used to dust the flour! !It's a luxury! 】

【Rich people are like this, you have to get used to it】

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  I wrote more than 100 million and almost 200 million words. The grades of this book have not been very good. It has been a long time since I have not recommended it in the free mode. The editor is afraid that I will starve to death and has been trying to find a way. Later, he decided to switch to the monthly subscription mode for me.

  Thank you Baozi who have been supporting you all the time. After subscribing to the month, no matter whether you are going or staying, I wish every Baozi who meets here happy every day, healthy and happy.


(End of this chapter)

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