The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1753 Do things properly

The barrage was completely crazy, the dense words almost covered the screen, and many viewers had to turn off the barrage to watch the show smoothly.

At the same time, there was already a hot search on Weibo #汪锦娘announced that Yu Yuanyuan is his own daughter#
At first, some people thought it was a rumor-making hot search, but after clicking on it, it turned out to be true!
That night, Yu Jinxiao's words caused countless people on the Internet to lose sleep.

"If you ask me how I will feel thinking about this show many years later, I think I will miss this moment infinitely."

Yu Jinxiao ended his speech with the most gentle words.

In the camera, his eyes slowly swept from Yu Yingze to Yu Mingxi and Yu Yuanyuan, and finally stopped on He Yitong.

This look that needs no explanation, full of meaning, once again added a discussion to the hot search.

#玉锦琪和He Yitong seem to collide with sparks#
Everyone got it.

Why did He Yitong have such a close relationship with Yu Yuanyuan when he first arrived.

It turned out that they were the biological mother and daughter, and they knew the news early on, and it was they, the netizens and viewers, who were kept from it.

For a while, there were all kinds of news on the Internet.

A teacher from the Angel Welfare Institute came forward and posted on Weibo, which was quickly pushed to the top trending searches.

[When Mr. Yu adopted Yuanyuan, he really didn’t know that she was his biological daughter. Even we didn’t know about it. Now that Yuanyuan has finally found her own home, all the teachers and children in the orphanage are very happy for her . 】

The wonderful fate between father and daughter has been discussed on a new trending topic.

Obviously not knowing Yuanyuan's real identity, Yu Jinxiao seemed to have a feeling from his own blood, and adopted Yuanyuan back home before knowing the truth.

【I want to cry a little bit, maybe it's God's blessing on Yuanyuan】

【Hope that all the lost babies in the world can find their home TAT】

Originally thought that this segment was already the hottest segment, but unexpectedly in the next second, Xie Xin announced that all families can go back to rest.

The camera followed them to the door of the room, and then turned to the camera in the room to shoot.

Other families are "real" couples.

Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong are "fake" couples who have divorced but have not publicly announced their reconciliation.

In the eyes of others, they came to film the show because of their children, and now the show crew only arranges one room? ?

Isn't this a proper way to do things! !

Probably because the news that Yu Yuanyuan was his biological daughter was so shocking that other families also forgot about the relationship between Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong.

Ex-husband and wife does not mean they are still husband and wife now.

The two had little public contact before, but now they meet in front of the camera is explosive news.

Rumors of their possible remarriage have also been swirling.

After entering the room, Yu Jinxiao hung his dirty suit behind the door, and looked at He Yitong who was holding Yu Yingze's hand.

"Do you need to ask Director Xie to arrange another room?"

Every family is equipped with a family room. The bed is so wide that it stretches through a wall, like a spacious couch.

Just as He Yitong was about to say something, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the camera above from the corner of her eye, and she swallowed the words back into her mouth.

"What the hell!! Mama won't sleep with Yuanyuan?" Xiao Zaizai cried and hugged He Yitong's feet, "Yuanyuan wants to sleep with Mama~"

Yu Jinxiao sighed, and asked again: "Open another room for Yuanyuan to live with you?"

"What the hell! Daddy won't you sleep with Yuanyuan?" Yu Yuanyuan heard this, let go of He Yitong's feet, and hugged Yu Jinxiao's legs instead, "Yuanyuan wants to sleep with Baba~"

Good, you heart-changing little glutinous rice balls!

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