The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1754 Dried Rice Balls

He Yitong glanced at the long Datong shop, and it didn't seem to matter to try to sleep a bit, she wasn't the kind of person who cared about the sound from the Internet.

Besides, what a rare opportunity to sleep with the three cubs, how could she give up!

"Then Mama will stay with Yuanyuan!" He Yitong picked up Xiao Zai Zai, rubbing his cheek against that little furry head.

Ah, Zai Zai's hair is soft, like the soft fluff she used to have in Wonderland.

"Okay~~" Yu Yuanyuan knocked on the level happily, raised her little paw and cheered.

In fact, Xie Xin was ready for He Yitong's request to arrange an extra room.

But after waiting for an hour and not seeing a call, it seems that it is unnecessary.

He stared at the mobile phone that had no missed calls and smiled, sincerely happy for Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Jinxiao.

This family has encountered too many ups and downs and tribulations, and now they are getting closer and closer to a family reunion.

He Yitong chose a position against the wall, and the one sleeping next to her must be Yu Yuanyuan.

As a result, Yu Yingze also slept next to his mother, and there was only Yu Yuanyuan between Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong.

This small gas tank is a small lump, and the presence or absence of her does not increase the sense of distance.

When lying on the bed, He Yitong could even hear Yu Jinxiao's breathing clearly.

She was just lying on the bed to rest, the children hadn't washed yet, but the shallow breathing made her heart pound like a deer.

He Yitong turned over and grabbed Yu Yuanyuan's hand: "Yuanyuan, Mama will take you to take a shower!"

"Okay, okay~" Xiao Zaizai nodded, and obediently climbed out of bed to look through his bath towels and towels.

Yu Jinxiao usually takes this little glutinous rice ball, but today He Yitong wants to take her to take a bath, he's not sure if she can handle it.

"Can you be alone? How about I come..."

"No, no, I can do it!"

Although she hasn't brought her baby for a long time, she believes that once she comes into contact with these things, the dusty memories will definitely come back.

Taking Yu Yuanyuan into the bathroom, the mother and daughter looked very happy, as if it would be easy to deal with everything that came next.

Yu Yingze lay on the beanbag sofa on the ground and watched them go in: "Is it really all right?"

"It should be fine." Yu Mingxi, who was reading a book, answered very uncertainly.

After the mother and daughter went in, there was no sound of water or movement for a long time.

Barely rustling conversations could be heard.


There was finally the sound of water in the bathroom, and at the same time He Yitong and Yu Yuanyuan's screams could be heard.

Yu Jinxiao got up instantly, instead of going in casually, he knocked on the bathroom door: "What's wrong?"


"I'm sorry, baby, it's hot water now," He Yitong coaxed Rua, "It's okay, it's okay."

"You can really do it by yourself?" Yu Jinxiao couldn't help doubting.

"Yes, really."

Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to turn around and leave, Yu Yuanyuan's pitiful wailing sounded again in the bathroom.

"Ah! Yuanyuan's duck has rolled into the toilet!" Yu Yuanyuan cried out in a panic, "Mama, save Yaya!!!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

Isn't it just taking a bath?
Why does it feel like the other end of the door is not a bathroom, but a messy battlefield.

When He Yitong came out after bathing Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Jinxiao saw the little glutinous rice ball that had just recovered white and tender recently, the skin was wrinkled.

It looks like a small glutinous rice ball that has been dried in the sun.

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