The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1755 So scary, Yuanyuan is scared

The little cub, who went in happily, came out as if he was so tired that he was about to turn off the phone.

She was wearing a white fluffy one-piece pajamas with a small tail at the back.

As she walks, her tail wags, and there are two cat ears on the back of the hat, but Yu Yuanyuan doesn't have the strength to wear them anymore.

"Baba..." The small body swayed over, and fell on him after smelling the smell.

Yu Jinxiao took the opportunity and stuffed her under the quilt.

The position where Xiao Zai Zai lay was exactly where he had slept just now, so it was warm and would not feel cold.

"Wow, it's hot inside the quilt!" Yu Yuanyuan recovered instantly, and patted the quilt with her round claws, "It's Baba who gave Yuanyuan heat~"

How strange this sounds.

"Well, are you sleepy?"

"A little bit~~"

"Then go to sleep."

"Yuanyuan doesn't want to sleep," Yu Zaizai shook his head vigorously, his little head rolling back and forth on the pillow, "Yuanyuan hasn't slept with Baba Mama in a long time, Yuanyuan is reluctant to tell you~"

Yu Mingxi, Yu Yingze, and Yu Jinxiao came out of the shower, and this little Tangyuan who usually went to bed early was still awake.

"Yuanyuan, why aren't you asleep?" He Yitong lay beside her, gently stroking her little furry head, "Want to hear Mama tell you a story?"

"Wow, okay, okay."

He Yitong tried hard to dig in her mind, but she almost forgot all the stories about coaxing children, so what should I tell?

Oh, by the way, why not tell the story she heard in the crew before.

After finding the direction, He Yitong first organized the words in his mind, and said slowly: "There is a tourist who found a place to stay in a remote scenic spot."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." The beginning doesn't sound like a children's story.

"He was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard a knock on the window."

"Da da da."

At the same time, there was also a knocking sound on the windows of the room.

"Ah duck!" Yu Yuanyuan was startled, and everyone looked towards the window.

I saw Yu Yingze standing there, retracting his bent fingers with a confused look in his eyes: " this kind of knocking sound?"

"That's right, that's it."

He Yitong swallowed, then continued slowly, trying to recall the content of the story.

"He opened the curtains and found no one outside the window. This is the fifth floor!"

"Is that a god...a god horse?" Yu Yuanyuan was already trembling.

The small body is huddled in Yu Jinxiao's arms, thinking of the scene Ma Ma said, Yu Yuanyuan's whole cub is not well.

Could it be a monster knocking on the window?
Then... when I go to sleep at night, will there be monsters too?
"He closed the window and continued to sleep, but in the middle of the sleep, he heard someone knocking on the window again," He Yitong spoke slowly, and the horror atmosphere was just right, "He jumped up quickly this time, rushed over and pulled it away." The curtains...but there is still no one outside!"

"Ah, duck, duck!" Yu Yuanyuan's little head plunged into Yu Jinxiao's arms, "It's so scary, Yuanyuan is scared."

Yu Jinxiao couldn't wait any longer, patted that small body, and asked He Yitong: "Is this a children's story? It's so late, it's better not to scare Yuanyuan with scary stories."

"But, she is the most courageous person in our Yu family!" Yu Yingze added with a smirk.

Not afraid of kidnapping, not afraid of gun battles, not afraid of bad guys, not afraid of falling into a river.

Yu Yingze now knows that Yu Yuanyuan is afraid of ghosts!Hehehe~~~

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