The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1756 Can't sleep woo woo woo

After hearing Yu Yingze's words, Xiao Tangyuan, whose head was already buried in Yu Jinxiao's arms, was frightened, and a little head popped out weakly.

"That's right, Yuanyuan is the most courageous, and Yuanyuan won't hurt pia!"

He Yitong suddenly didn't know whether to continue talking.

Her original intention was to let her daughter fall asleep well, but now it's good, I'm afraid it will scare her sleepiness away.

The more Yu Yuanyuan said she was not afraid, the more Yu Yingze wanted to tease her.

"Mom, keep on talking. I still want to know what happened next." Yu Yingze is bold in these things, and he is not afraid of the "ghost" in the story.

Seeing people cheering, He Yitong got excited again: "He doesn't believe in evil, this time he didn't go back to bed to sleep, but deliberately stayed by the bed and drew the curtains. If anyone knocks on the window again, he will immediately open the curtains!"

"Sure enough, not long after, the sound of dong dong dong sounded again."

"He jumped up suddenly, opened the curtains, and saw a face in the window!! This is the fifth floor!"

"Duck, duck, duck, pull, Yuanyuan is scared!!" Yu Yuanyuan plunged her head into Yu Jinxiao's arms again, her little head arched in a mess, "Ma Ma, is there a monster knocking on the window? Is it a monster? ?”

"Hahahahaha, of course not!" He Yitong smiled badly, "Although that room is on the fifth floor, there is actually a very narrow corridor outside the curtain! The person who knocked on the window was a child in the next room!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." This is a "reversal" story that is boring and frightens children.

The "fifth floor" has been emphasized, making people preconceived that there is no one outside the window.

At the end, there is another one, in fact, there is a corridor outside the window...

Well, there is no need for a reason to tell a nonsense story.

In the eyes of adults, this kind of story is nothing more than a story of forced reversal.

But in Yu Yuanyuan's heart, it has become a very scary story.

"Really... there are no monsters?"

Yu Yingze raised his eyebrows.

Oh, it turned out that what she was afraid of were monsters, not ghosts!
"Have you ever seen a monster?" Yu Yingze asked intentionally.

He pretended to be mysterious, and Yu Yuanyuan's fear value soared again.

"Mi... Mi has seen it before!" Yu Yuanyuan shook her head, "Second brother, what does it look like?"

"It can be turned into any shape, it can be a quilt, a pillow, or a toilet!"

"Ah duck!"

"Quack quack quack." Yu Yingze laughed out loud at Yu Yuanyuan's reaction.

But with a smile, it was so chilly in the room, he looked up, and Yu Jinxiao's cold eyes had already fallen on his smug body.

Yu Yingze immediately cleared his throat, hugged the pillow and obediently lay down next to He Yitong, and even pulled the quilt to cover himself a bit.

It was getting late, Yu Jinxiao put the children next to each other and covered them with quilts, and then pulled the lamp to lie down.

As soon as he touched the pillow, a small body squeezed his head into his arms.

"Are you afraid?" Yu Jinxiao asked in a low voice.

Xiao Qiuqiu was quiet for a few seconds, and then replied sullenly: "I have it~"

At a young age, he has learned to be brave.

Yu Jinxiao didn't expose Yu Yuanyuan's "little lie", but just patted her body, closed his eyes and brewed sleep.

Gradually, only the sound of breathing remained in the room.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was trying to fall asleep, couldn't fall asleep anyway, and the story that Ma Ma just told was repeated in his head.

By their window... Could there be a monster?

Woohoo, she was so scared, she couldn't sleep, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The more afraid she was, the more she wanted to know, Yu Yuanyuan propped up her body a little bit, and went to look at the window with the curtains drawn.

Huh?Why is there really a round thing in the window! ! !

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