The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1757 Two Glowing Red Dots

Could the hot one be the head of a monster!
Yu Yuanyuan's hairs were about to stand on end, and just about to scream, Second Brother's voice echoed in her mind again.

She is the most courageous Yin of the Yu family!
Don't wake everyone up just because you're scared!
Although he was terrified to death, Yu Zaizai got up from the bed trembling.

Ba Ba and Ma Ma are both there, even if there are monsters, she can still call for help!

Thinking of this, Yu Zaizai slowly pulled out the quilt from the other end of his feet, searched for his little feet on the ground and finally stuffed them into slippers.

The black thing by the window remained motionless, and the closer it got, the more terrifying its shape became.

It's really the size of a head!
Yu Yuanyuan's feet were trembling, he was obviously terrified to death, but he forced himself to take a closer look.

If it wasn't a monster, she wouldn't be afraid, and she could sleep peacefully.

The little feet moved to the window tremblingly, but she was too short to reach the window, and she had to move a stool.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had planned secretly in his heart, turned around, bumped into something suddenly, bounced back to the ground and fell to his buttocks squatting.

Not right!

When she came over just now, there was nothing behind her! ! !
"Ah duck!" Yu Yuanyuan just let out a low cry when someone covered her little mouth.

"it's me."

"Baba (Puba)." The voice of Xiao Zai Zai was crying.

"Why don't you sleep and get up?" Yu Jinxiao squatted down, his tall body cast a shadow, which brought a strong sense of security to Yu Yuanyuan's sense of fear.

Xiao Zaizai shrank under his shadow, and replied in a low voice: "There is a round thing on the window, Yuanyuan wants to see if it is the head of a monster."

Yu Jinxiao sighed, guessing that she was frightened by a bedtime story, and that's why she behaved so strangely.

He didn't blame Xiao Tangyuan for not sleeping well, but picked her up and went to the window with her to have a look.

The small body that was trembling with fear before was now completely nestled in Yu Jinxiao's arms, and he was trying to tilt his head back.

So high that he leaned on Yu Jinxiao's shoulder, and tried to keep hiding.

Yu Jinxiao walked to the window with strides, and gently opened the window——

There are no monsters outside, no children, and no faces.

It was an overgrown small tree downstairs, and a lush note happened to come up, and the crowded leaves formed a circle.

"Look, it's leaves, not monsters, and nothing else."

As if Yu Yuanyuan didn't believe it, Yu Jinxiao repeatedly closed and opened the curtains to let Yu Zaizai check the position of the branches by himself.

The terrified eyes gradually returned to calm, and the trembling little hands also had the strength to lift them up.

" are a bad boy!" Yu Yuanyuan cursed angrily.

The frightened little Zai Zai must vent his anger by cursing a few words.

If it weren't for being familiar with the logic of this little glutinous rice ball, pointing and cursing at a branch in the middle of the night would have been more scary.

Turning around with the little glutinous rice balls in his arms, ready to put the cub to sleep.

Little Potato, who had clearly regained his composure, pounced again, and his claws desperately pointed to a certain corner in front: "Baba, the monster is in the spicy place!! Look!"

Even though she was terrified, Yu Yuanyuan's voice tried her best not to wake everyone up.

Following the direction of Yu Zaizai's finger, Yu Jinxiao saw two glowing red dots.

If it is a plug board, it is normal to have a red dot.

But now there are two, it can only be——

Two power strips.

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