The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1763 Puffing up with a shake of the head

Seeing that the atmosphere was not good, the other reporters did not dare to ask about his life experience.

The interview area was suddenly silent, Yu Jinxiao led Yu Yuanyuan to the designated area to let the media take a few photos, and then brought the children into the venue.

He Yitong had already arrived, and while greeting acquaintances, she was staring at the entrance of the venue.

at last!

When he saw the little pink flower appear, He Yitong stepped on his high heels excitedly and rushed over.

The ten-centimeter stilettos seemed to smoke from under her feet.

"Round round!"


Before leaving, Yu Jinxiao specially took photos of the three children and sent them to He Yitong.

She knew that Yuanyuan was wearing a pink dress, so she kept looking for the little pink figure.

But the rush was too fierce, and the inertia suddenly couldn't hold back, He Yitong almost rushed over his head.

Her stomach was gently hooked by a force, and her swaying body finally stood firmly.

The familiar smell of cologne broke into his nostrils, and when He Yitong raised his head, Yu Jinxiao was retracting his arm: "Be careful."

"Thank you... Thank you." He Yitong supported Yu Jinxiao's arm and straightened the hem of the dress.

"Ma Ma~~" Before He Yitong could hug her, Xiao Zai Zai had already thrown his whole ball onto her dress, "You are so beautiful today~"

"Really?" He Yitong's dress was inconvenient to hug her, and she could see the little cub, how could she bear it, her hands were already itchy.

"Ah duck, it''s the beads sent by Baba!" Yu Yuanyuan pointed at He Yitong's earrings with her fat fingers.

Yu Jinxiao had already discovered it.

At the charity dinner before, he photographed the earrings he gave her.

Unsure of the special significance of this earring, Yu Jinxiao didn't ask anything, but he didn't take his eyes off it for a moment, and He Yitong's cheeks felt a little hot.

"Yuanyuan!" He Chen, who was also wearing a dress, also appeared.

He has recovered his fairness and looks handsome today. The very rare gray suit makes him look a little more stable than usual.

It would be more normal if he didn't squeeze three ice cream cones in his hand...

"Yuanyuan, this strawberry-flavored cone is very delicious," He Chen said vividly, his expression seemed to be inconsistent with this outfit, "Quickly try it!"

"Thank you delicious bro~~"

Xiao Zai Zai took the cone, and bit off a small tip with one bite.

“Knock class delicious!!”


"There's also a lemon flavor, and a taro flavor." He Chen said, looking at Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze.

"I want lemon flavor." Yu Yingze immediately made a choice.

Yu Mingxi didn't say anything else, but thanked with a smile: "Thank you."

"This cone tastes really good. If it weren't for keeping fit, I would eat five."

Yu Jinxiao looked at He Chen's regretful expression, and suddenly remembered how he was dying because of a cup of milk tea in Mengbo 1+1.

Now I don't know who has led me astray, but I even started to eat the cone.

Does he remember what he was like before?
He Yitong and He Chen are the protagonists of the publicity, and they need to sit in the front row.

Yu Jinxiao took the three children to sit behind the guests, this angle is more suitable for watching movies.

Just as they were seated, fans who had won VIP tickets entered the venue one after another.

"He Chen seems to have turned dark a lot."

"Although he came back a lot more than before, there is still a little distance from him when he was filming this movie."

Xiao Zai Zai sitting in the front row was concentrating on eating ice cream, but when she heard someone say that brother Hei Hei was delicious, she immediately shook her head angrily.

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