The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1764 Ma Ma's Immortal Technique Has Recovered

"Okay... Delicious brother, Jiang Zi... you are so handsome!" Yu Yuanyuan meowed, and the fans behind were stunned.

Yu Jinxiao didn't expect that Xiaotangyuan would suddenly speak for He Chen.

But thinking about it, she is still gnawing on the cone given by others, and she is short-handed, shouldn't this be the case?

"Ah, it's Yuanyuan!" The three girls didn't know whose fans they were, and suddenly exclaimed, "Yuanyuan, can I take a photo with you?"

"Yuanyuan doesn't take pictures with people who say bad things about brother delicious!"

Although she was asking, one of the girls had quietly raised her mobile phone to record a video, but Xiao Zai Zai didn't notice it.

"Ah? Is Yuanyuan referring to us?" The girls were surprised, "No! We are He Chen's fans! Look!"

As she said that, she opened her cell phone photo album, which contained many, many photos of He Chen.

There are also some small peripherals hanging on the schoolbag, with "real fans" written all over them.

" say it's delicious, Brother Hei Hei," Yu Yuanyuan's tone loosened, "Hei Hei doesn't sound good."

"Then he seems a little bit darker than... when he made this movie." The girl raised her finger and tried to draw "less", "We are not saying that he is not good-looking if he is dark, just for comparison. Next, whether he is black or white, we all like it! We all support it! Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here today.”

Yu Yuanyuan was just a child, and after showing it to a few adults, she quickly let go of her insistence.

"That's great~ As long as the porridge is delicious, brother's, Yuanyuan will also porridge~"

"Yeah, you are so cute, Yuanyuan!"

Yu Jinxiao listened to the whole process in the front row, and he never looked back, in order to reduce his sense of existence and not want to be disturbed by these meaningless people.

The purpose of coming to this strange occasion was to cheer up He Yitong, and he didn't want to deal with other things.


"Crack clap."

"Crack clap clap."

"Quack quack~~~"

Even without looking, Yu Jinxiao knew that Yu Yuanyuan was having a good time.

The next few fans of He Chen took photos with Yu Yuanyuan, and the premiere was about to start.

Before the official screening, the director thanked everyone for their support and support as usual. After a hypnotic official talk, the audience finally entered darkness.

It was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, Yu Yuanyuan froze in fright, her little claws grabbed Yu Jinxiao and Yu Mingxi from left to right.

"Ah, why is it dark! Is the lamp broken?"

Yu Jinxiao's heart seemed to be suddenly separated by these words.

Many children at Xiaotangyuan's age have been to the cinema, but he never brought her there.

So much so that she is so unfamiliar with this place.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the lights must be turned off when playing movies, and the picture will appear in front of you soon." Yu Mingxi comforted him with his round claws.

"But there is no lamp, Yuanyuan can't see..." the weak little milk voice emphasized.

"Look, the picture is coming." Yu Jinxiao's big hand covered Yu Yuanyuan's hand, wrapping the small fist clenched because of nervousness, "Can you see it clearly?"

"Wow..." Xiao Tangyuan, who was nervous and frightened, sighed in a low voice, and was immediately attracted by the big screen in front of her.

The script of the story is not too complicated, but the special effects of the movie are cool, and the makeup is handsome, beautiful, and fairy...

Even the bloodiest script can still easily handle the audience.

In particular, He Chen's beautiful, strong and tragic character has gained a lot of tears from fans.

"Baba, has Ma Ma's fairy art recovered?" Yu Yuanyuan raised her paw and asked in surprise when she saw He Yitong using fairy art in the movie.

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