The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1766 Isn't this... an opportunity? !

The premiere event was very successful.

After the interviews and photoshoots for the media, the director also arranged a celebration banquet, and only all the actors and crew were invited.

This meant that He Yitong would go, but Yu Jinxiao was not on the invitation list.

When he was watching the movie just now, he noticed that He Yitong and the hero of the movie had been whispering in whispers. It seemed that Xu Yue, who played the role of the hero, was chatting with He Yitong.

After the reflection, his words and deeds in the interview with the media seemed to imply something invisible.

It's not surprising that a perfect person like He Yitong is coveted by others.

It's just that Yu Jinxiao was surprised that this person had such courage, and he didn't restrain himself in front of him.

Maybe he will do something in private at the celebration banquet later.

However, he is not on the invitation list, and if he insists on going, it would be unfair to his name.

"Li Susu~~" The little milk's voice that was originally beside Yu Jinxiao floated into the distance.

I saw that little Douding took the initiative to go to greet the director, and the two seemed to be familiar with each other.

Although it was only a guest appearance, the director was very impressed by Yuanyuan's acting skills and performance.

He likes this cute and well-behaved little Douding very much.

"Yuanyuan, there will be a lot of food for the celebration banquet later, so you can go too!" The director patted her head and extended the invitation.

When Yu Yuanyuan heard "eat", her eyes sparkled.

Even if she wanted to eat to the extreme, she didn't agree immediately, but turned to look at Yu Jinxiao who was not far away: "But Baba and brother..."

"Let's go together!" The director saw her worries, and couldn't bear to let this little Douding down.

"Is it really possible?" The fire that had been extinguished in the big eyes burned happily again.

To show his determination, the director patted Yu Yuanyuan's head and walked towards Yu Jinxiao: "Mr. Yu, will you have time to attend the celebration banquet later?"

Isn't this... an opportunity? !
"Yuanyuan wants to participate?" Yu Jinxiao arrogantly did not reveal his emotions, "If she has time, if she wants to participate, I can accompany her."

"That's great!" Seeing Yu Jinxiao agreed, the director turned around, as if he had also turned into a child to celebrate with Yu Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan! Mr. Yu said you can go!"

"Wow wow wow!"

Xiao Tangyuan, who is so happy that she has lost her language function, can only bark.

The little pink flowers are bouncing around, like an elf who has just arrived in the world and has not yet learned human language.

Obviously beautiful and cute, but also exposed a little silly.

Having already promised to go to the celebration banquet, Yu Jinxiao planned to talk about it with He Yitong.

As a result, when she turned her head, she saw Xu Yue following He Yitong towards the dressing room, like a bullshit plaster that couldn't be thrown away, that flattering smile and meticulous behavior seriously exceeded the boundaries between friends.

"Mingxi, look at Yuanyuan."


After explaining, Yu Jinxiao strode towards He Yitong's direction. At this time, He Yitong and Xu Yue had disappeared behind the curtain in the dressing room.

The dressing room is dedicated to the two protagonists, He Yitong and Xu Yue, and even He Chen's dressing room is in another direction.

Open the curtain and go out, and you can only see two rooms at a glance, which is very easy to find.

Even through the door, Xu Yue's attentive and chattering voice could be heard from inside.

"Yitong, after the celebration banquet is over, shall I take you home?" Xu Yue offered to propose, "It's safer this way."

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