The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1767 Yuanyuan also wants to twist

"No need, I don't drink, I can drive back by myself." He Yitong's voice could only be a polite yet embarrassing refusal.

Xu Yue is not such a person who retreats so easily. He took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and proposed: "Maybe we go out for a few drinks together? I know there is a good bar, which is opened by my friend. The VIP box is very quiet. No one will harass you, and you can relax comfortably with a drink."

"Want to drink? I have a better place to recommend." Yu Jinxiao pushed open the door, and with his sneer, Xu Yue felt a chill from the top of his head to his feet.

But in front of He Yitong, he didn't want to be too obvious.

If he was suppressed by Yu Jinxiao's aura from the very beginning, how could this continue?

"We plan to go after the celebration banquet." Xu Yue outlined a confident smile.

"Isn't that just right?" Yu Jinxiao's eyebrows darkened, "I happen to be taking Yuanyuan to the celebration banquet too."

He Yitong, who was touching up her makeup, paused, and turned around in surprise: "Are you going with Yuanyuan too?"


"That's great!" He Yitong couldn't hide his surprise, as if he had slapped Xu Yue's face.

Yu Jinxiao didn't need to do anything more, He Yitong's reaction explained everything.

However, Xu Yue was still not reconciled.

As long as they haven't announced their remarriage, he has a chance and everything is fair.

But he didn't know that people's feelings can never be discussed as fair, maybe from the beginning of being together, his position is destined to be unable to climb up.

After the premiere, everyone happily went to the celebration banquet.

The delicious food on the table did not disappoint Yu Yuanyuan.

When the little Douding saw a table of food, he opened his mouth wide with a "wow".

The celebration banquet was very lively, with a large number of people, and everyone seemed to be happy for the success of the movie regardless of each other.

Eat and drink, sing and dance, everyone has a smile on their face.

"Baba," Yu Yuanyuan threw herself into Yu Jinxiao's ear and chattered, "You also go to find Mama!"

He Yitong was dancing with the director at this time, that Xu Yue looked ready to move, as if he was ready.

He Yitong, who was busy taking pictures and signing autographs, was the most eye-catching star tonight, and the task of leading Yu Yuanyuan naturally fell on Yu Jinxiao's shoulders.

"I'm going to dance, so what do you do?" Yu Jinxiao said so, but Xiao Zai Zai's proposal had already moved his heart.

Little Douding, who had been nestling obediently, began to struggle, moving like a loach that couldn't hold back.

Yu Jinxiao had no choice but to put her back on the ground first.

The little cub who went to the ground took two steps, and grabbed Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze who were eating: "Yuanyuan stays with elder brother and second elder brother~ Yuanyuan will be obedient~"

Looking at the little guy who was standing obediently and still holding the hem of Yu Mingxi's clothes tightly, his little fingers almost tore out the wrinkles of the clothes.

Yu Jinxiao's heart twitched slightly, the more sensible this little glutinous rice ball was, the more he was moved! !
"Well then, don't run around alone, I'll come to you later."

"Okay okay."

Yu Jinxiao felt relieved to hand over Yu Yuanyuan to Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze. After all, Yu Mingxi was old enough to take care of his younger siblings.

Just helping to take care of it for a while, it should be fine.

"Yuanyuan, do you want to eat this?"


Yu Yuanyuan took the plate, looked at the people happily swaying to the music, and sighed with envy: "Yuanyuan also wants to twist..."

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