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Chapter 1771 Are Kindergarten Marriage Proposals So Convoluted Now?

"What?! Someone proposed to you? Who?" Yu Jinxiao raised his voice and his tone became extremely serious.

Yu Yingze, who was at the side, was having breakfast, while persuading him earnestly: "Dad, don't be nervous, the marriage proposals in the kindergarten are just for fun."

"A marriage proposal is a very serious matter, not a joke."

"But what Yu Yuanyuan said must be for fun." Yu Yingze drank the last sip of milk and leaned on the back of the chair calmly, "She is only in kindergarten, and she can't really get married."

That's right.

Yu Jinxiao leaned forward slightly, then leaned back in the chair silently, returning to the topic.

"Father, how are you going to arrange the proposal?" Yu Mingxi asked.

Although there are three children, the proposal this time is no different from the first proposal back then, both are sacred and important.

The only difference is that Yu Jinxiao had three small assists this time.

It should be an assist... right?

"I've already made arrangements, but I need the three of you to attend at that time." The reason why he came back so late last night was because he decided to arrange it as soon as possible after serious thinking.

He wasn't someone who was so detached that he couldn't feel other people's feelings.

He Yitong was willing to hand over his hand to him twice, does this need any other proof?

For Yu Jinxiao, at this point, if he doesn't take the most important step, he might lose the opportunity to reunite his family.

Don't come when the opportunity is too late, just do what you say.

"Yuanyuanjidao Yuanyuanjidao~~" Yu Yuanyuan raised her claws to grab the words, "Baba can prepare a coconut balloon and write nice words on it; make a chocolate as big as a wall Draw it, draw it like a numbness; then put the smoke, the smoke will be biu biu biu to the sky, it must have any color! The bigger the better!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

He suddenly doubted himself a little, why this little glutinous rice ball proposal sounded both unreliable and faintly creative.

"Where did you hear this?" Yu Yingze asked curiously.

"Xiaoqi said it when he proposed."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Are kindergarten proposals like this now?

"If you want me to say, Dad, you should fly a helicopter, parachute from the sky, and then kneel in front of your mother to propose marriage! This is exciting and interesting!" Yu Yingze also expressed his opinion.


Skydiving in the city?

Wouldn't it really be impossible to be entangled by tall buildings and then hit the wall and pass out?
Marriage proposal requires sincerity and a sense of ceremony, but it can't be too exciting. In case of marriage, it's a proposal, and it doesn't work if the person is gone.

"Dad seems to have his own ideas, let's just listen to Dad's arrangement." Yu Mingxi has been observing his father's reaction. From his eyes and details, it can be seen that Yu Jinxiao does not want them to give opinions, but just hopes that they will act as important witnesses were present.

Yu Jinxiao cast a grateful look.

If these two little guys are asked to make suggestions again, I am afraid that the next step is to ride a dinosaur and wear armor to propose marriage.

Even though they were separated for some time, he knew He Yitong's preferences like the back of his hand, and he knew what kind of marriage proposal she would like.

However, in Yu Yuanyuan's proposal just now, there is something that can be used.

Knowing the news of Yu Jinxiao's proposed marriage, Xiao Zai Zai was very excited all day long, expecting Ba Ba to pick her up suddenly and appear at the proposal scene all the time.

Because, Qiqi said, if the marriage proposal is successful, Ma Ma will go home and live together.

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