The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1772 Yuanyuan is lost

But waited and waited, Yu Yuanyuan waited until the sky turned dark, Shen Ji came to give her tutoring, but Baba didn't see her to go to the proposal scene.

Could it be... don't ask for it again?

Or are you not asking today?

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" Shen Ji saw right away that Yu Yuanyuan had something on his mind.

The little head looked around nervously, and said mysteriously: "Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan told you a secret, you can't tell others~"

"What secret?"

"Baba is going to propose to Mama!"

"Great, Yuanyuan's family is going to be reunited." Shen Ji smiled and touched the little head in front of him, sincerely happy for her.

"But Baba said he wanted Yuanyuan to be with his brothers, why hasn't he proposed yet? Did he forget to ask Yuanyuan to go?" The worried little face wrinkled into a ball, nestled on the chair, like a sad face small mushrooms.

In Yu Yuanyuan's dreams, she always looks forward to the day when her family will be reunited. The more she looks forward to it, the more she hopes that day will come sooner.

"When did Mr. Yu tell Yuanyuan?"

"This morning!"


Shen Ji thought it had been announced for several days, but there was no news. He didn't expect it to be only one day.

There are many things that need to be prepared for a marriage proposal. It is not just an ordinary meeting arranged casually.

"Yuanyuan, it takes a while to make a serious marriage proposal." Shen Ji patted the frustrated little shoulder, "Mr. Yu told you today that it may take a few days, by the way, it doesn't necessarily mean that the proposal will be made today. "

"Really...Really?" Afraid that she would miss this important moment, Yu Yuanyuan was worried all the time that she would be forgotten.

"If I asked Yuanyuan to prepare a birthday present, how long would it take Yuanyuan?"

Xiao Zai Zai thought for a while, then raised his paw: "It will take three days!"

"So, isn't it normal for the proposal to take more time to prepare?"

"It seems so, Brother Shen Ji is right!"

Frustrated, Qiuqiu became happy in a second, and the little feet that dangled happily began to shake again, humming a little song in his mouth.

Within two days, the entire Yu family knew about Yu Jinxiao's proposal for marriage, and Yu Yuanyuan spread the word.

Aunt Chen even asked Yu Jinxiao side-by-side, she was so excited that she burst into tears.

After taking care of Yu's family for so many years, watching Yu Jinxiao grow up, watching him get married and start a business, and watching Yu's family encounter changes.

But finally!
After Yuanyuan came back to this home, everything is getting better and better. The servants also have deep affection for the Yu family, hoping that the once broken home can return to its original happy state.

But fortunately, the news of the proposal didn't reach He Yitong's ears in advance.

Yu Jinxiao was afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would slip up, so he even confiscated her children's phone and watch in advance, and made a point of saying hello to everyone who knew about it.

After secretly understanding He Yitong's itinerary, the marriage proposal plan was finally put on the agenda!

Just realized that He Yitong had an event in Jiangcheng, and would come back early from the set, stay for two days, work one day and rest one day.

Marriage proposal is on the rest day.

He Yitong originally planned to use the rest day to play with the three cubs, but that day was a working day, and the three cubs had to go to school, so she had no choice but to give up.

Wandering around in full armor in Jiangcheng for a while, the phone suddenly rang, and the caller turned out to be Yu Yuanyuan.

"Zai Zai, what's the matter? Didn't you go to kindergarten today?"

"Ma Ma..." The voice of Xiao Zai Zai on the phone was crying, "Yuanyuan is lost! Come and save Yuanyuan! Woooooo..."

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