The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1774 adopted 2 articles

All of a sudden, those square colored boxes piled up like decorations in the middle of the square slowly opened with nice music coming out.

A drone flew out of it, and there were uniform light spots on the fuselage, which formed a sentence in a few seconds——

"will you marry me?"

The sky was completely dark at this time, except for the light show in the square which was still on, and the words spelled out by the drone flashed clearly in the night sky.

He Yitong was so surprised that she couldn't speak, and the little cub on the electronic screen happily yelled "Ma Ma", she subconsciously turned her head to look, and there was already an extra figure under the electronic screen.

Even when attending various banquets and important occasions, Yu Jinxiao never felt as nervous as he is now.

Even though he knew that the result of today's proposal was sure, but he kept reviewing it in his heart, afraid that he might not do well enough.

When that tall figure walked out with a bouquet of flowers, He Yitong saw in him a bit of uneasiness that should not belong to "Yu Jinxiao".

"Yitong, are you willing to marry me?" The man who was so handsome that it made people lose his voice knelt down on one knee in front of her from far to near.

That bouquet of bright red roses against Yu Jinxiao who was dressed in black was mysterious and dangerous.

But...extremely charming.

"Ma Ma, agree to pull it~~" The little milk voice on the electronic screen came to reality, Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi were all there.

The three little bean dings stood outside the light circle of the light show very sharply, without disturbing the proper atmosphere.

He Yitong was so surprised that she couldn't speak, her eyes were red, she bit her lip, pulled the man who was kneeling on one knee up, and threw herself into his arms.

"I do, I do."

"That's great!!" Xiao Zai Zai's cheers were the loudest in the world.

Yu Jinxiao, who usually walks without much movement, after hearing her promise, hugged the body in his arms and shook it happily.

That pleasant voice sounded beside He Yitong's ear: "Can I wear the ring?"

"Oh yes," He Yitong smiled and let go of her embrace, wiped her eyes, and raised her finger, "Actually, I still keep the previous wedding ring, so I can..."

"Now is a new beginning, everything is new."

Opening the velvet brocade box in his hand, there lay a dazzling diamond ring inside.

The meaning in Yu Jinxiao's words is nothing more than hope that the past is over, whether it is happy or unhappy, from this moment on, it is a new beginning, and they will have a new and happy future.

"No wonder there is no one on the street, I'm still surprised..." After putting on the ring, He Yitong wiped away tears with a smile, and suddenly remembered something, "Yuanyuan's phone call deliberately tricked me!!?"

Yu Yuanyuan shook her small body embarrassingly: "Is Yuanyuan's acting skills good~"

"To be honest, I didn't doubt it at first, until there were very few people here, then I..." He Yitong laughed.

Unexpectedly, as a movie queen, she was fooled once by her daughter's acting skills.

"Let me just say my idea is good. Look, how handsome!" Yu Yingze proudly thrust his waist, and raised the drone pointing at the sky.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Yu Jinxiao has to boast that Yu Yingze's head can always think of many creative things, such as hiding the drone in a colorful box, disguised as a square decoration, and letting the drone fly out of it.

In order not to scare her mother, Yu Yingze also considered letting the box make a sound first, and then automatically open and fly out of the drone.

Every detail has been considered by this kid.

Two of Yu Yuanyuan's proposals were adopted.

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