The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1775 Don't Eat!

Chapter 1775 Don't Eat!

The mosaic painting was proposed by Yu Yuanyuan, and Yu Jinxiao thought the proposal was good, so he followed suit.

The second is——


The night sky suddenly burst into flames, gorgeously like luminous flowers, blooming in the sky with only one life.

Even the deep night is romanticized by the bright fireworks.

Xiao Zai Zai ran forward, leaned his head against He Yitong's leg, and hugged Ma Ma tightly with his little paws.

The raised little head is concentrating on admiring the fireworks in the sky.

Yu Mingxi led Yu Yingze forward, and gently leaned against Yu Jinxiao's side.

Putting his big hands on the shoulders of his sons, Yu Jinxiao couldn't take his eyes off them.

Perhaps at this moment, everyone is attracted by the fireworks, but for Yu Jinxiao, the most precious and beautiful thing is the people who are by his side.

It took half an hour for the fireworks to end, and Yu Yuanyuan's neck ached from watching it.

When the sky was completely dark, she almost couldn't lower her head, "Yeah!" she slowly moved her neck back.

Yu Jinxiao made reservations in advance for the best and highest restaurant in Jiangcheng. After the proposal was successful, the family sat down and had a good meal.

When she heard that she was going to leave, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly said in a panic, "Wait a minute".

No one knew what Xiao Zai Zai was going to do. She just stared at her with a few pairs of eyes, until she... Da Da Da ran to the front of the mosaic, turned her small body sideways, opened her small mouth, and bit her mouth. up.

"You can't eat it!" Yu Mingxi shouted in fright.

But still too late.

After Yu Yuanyuan took a sip, her pitiful crying voice followed: "Aren't swollen chocolates!! Woohoo, Yuanyuan's teeth are about to fall out!"

Obviously her suggestion to Baba was to make a chocolate wall painting, but Baba also said that he accepted her suggestion!
She thought the painting was made of chocolate!
Yu Jinxiao hurriedly picked up the crying glutinous rice balls: "I just followed your suggestion and made a painting, but I didn't say it was made of chocolate."

That's right, it's all Yu Yuanyuan's self-imagination!
"Okay." The pitiful little boy nestled on Yu Jinxiao's shoulder, with his little head hanging down, which was a disappointment.

Before this, Yu Yuanyuan always thought that after the proposal was over, she could eat the whole chocolate painting!

It turned out not to be da.

Xiao Zai Zai was very disappointed, and kept raising his eyelids to look at the wall paintings.

Yu Jinxiao seemed to have guessed this scene a long time ago, and found a plate of chocolates from his body like magic: "Seeing that you are very unhappy, you probably don't want to eat chocolates."

"Ah, I want to eat it!" Yu Yuanyuan got excited instantly, and stretched out her claws to grab it.

The big hand shook, and the small hands flickered everywhere, only grabbing air.

"Chocolate can be eaten, but eat first."

"Okay okay."

Accepting the chocolate obediently, Yu Yuanyuan held it in the palm of her hand like holding a baby, and while singing with her paws up, she swayed away in Yu Jinxiao's arms.


The wedding is scheduled for three months.

It was held on a small resort island with beautiful scenery, the seaside scenery was as beautiful as a painting, and all relatives and friends were present.

Even Shen Zhuoya and Shen Ji came.

On the day of the wedding, Yu Yuanyuan also put on a cute white gauze dress, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and was in charge of being a little flower girl to hold the hem of the wedding dress for He Yitong.

The people present were all dressed up, and Shen Ji also rarely put on a suit. Even though he was young, his appearance made all the people present shine.

"Wow, brother Shen Ji is so handsome today~~" Xiao Zai Zai's eyes glowed.

(End of this chapter)

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