On the last day of tutoring, Yu Zaizai couldn't lift his energy at all.

Although Shen Ji taught her everything, she no longer had the happy sense of accomplishment that she used to have.

She knew that starting tomorrow, she would only be the only cub in this study room.

When sending Shen Ji out at night, the little figure was sent outside the courtyard all the way, the little eyes were very reluctant.

His eyes were red, as if he was about to cry at any moment.

"Yuanyuan, when I'm free on weekends, I'll come and play with you, okay?" After finishing speaking, Shen Ji touched that little head with his warm hand.

The moment his palm touched him, his arm paused, and he couldn't help being startled by the warmth and plush feeling from his palm.

He used to be able to touch this fluffy and nice little head every day, but in the future...

He can't run to Yu's house anytime and anywhere, which means that the time he meets Yuanyuan will be severely compressed.

Even though you can contact at any time on your mobile phone, meeting each other is completely different from communicating through a cold machine.

But Mr. Yu's considerations are not unreasonable, which is why Shen Ji didn't refute and fight for it.

After getting into the car and driving a long way, Shen Ji still saw that little figure standing blankly at the gate of the yard.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Shen Ji felt that she had grown a little taller, but she still looked like a small lump from a distance, and she couldn't get rid of her pitiful figure.

Yu Jinxiao stood in front of the French window of the study, frowning slightly, watching the farewell at the gate of the yard reluctantly.

Changing what has long been the default is also a challenge for him.

If Shen Ji doesn't come to tutoring, he has to shoulder this responsibility.

It was supposed to be something he could do with patience, and Yu Jinxiao didn't want to leave it to Shen Ji to do it.

He is very satisfied with Shen Ji, he has no opinion, he is just not satisfied with himself.

As a father, you should not run away from what you should do.

Standing at the gate of the yard for a long time, until the rear of the car could not be seen, Yu Yuanyuan walked slowly back to the villa one step at a time.

Not long after, Yu Jinxiao heard the sound of opening and closing the door from Xiao Zai Zai's room.

Xiao Zai Zai, who is always happy, seems to be particularly silent today.

This silence lasted until the next day when she went to kindergarten, and even the children noticed her strangeness.

"Yuanyuan, why do you seem unhappy?" Gu Beiyan tilted his head, deliberately making funny faces to tease her, "If there is anything unhappy, you can tell me~ I can help~"

Xiao Zai Zai held his face, like a little flower short of water: "Brother Shen Ji will not come to tutor Yuan Yuan from today on, hey."

"Why?" Gu Beiyan grinned, not letting Yu Yuanyuan see his little expression.

"Ba Ba told Yuanyuan to send a few lessons."

"However, there is no one around me who started tutoring in kindergarten." Gu Beiyan didn't want to hit her, but just wanted to tell the truth.

Even though he had tutored Shen Ji for a day or two, as long as he studied hard, he could almost understand what the teacher taught.

If he doesn't understand something at home, he can ask his father or the servants at home, and they can basically solve it.

But like Yuanyuan, she does tutoring at a fixed time every day... Gu Beiyan really hasn't seen many of them.

At first, he also thought that Shen Ji was just taking tutoring temporarily, but he didn't expect that he had been tutoring for so long.

"Yuanyuan, your father also has good intentions." Chu Qi listened carefully for a long time, and comforted softly, "He hopes that you can learn by yourself and don't always have to rely on others."

"But if this is the case, Yuanyuan won't be able to see brother Shen Ji anymore," Yu Zaizai sighed depressedly, with a round face, "I used to see brother Shen Ji every day."

"Hey, people, there are always encounters and partings." Gu Beiyan pretended to sigh deeply, and reached out to pat Yu Yuanyuan's shoulder.

In fact, he was secretly happy in his heart. With this, would Shen Ji's weight in Yuanyuan's heart drop quietly, and his status rise instead?

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