The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1787 Is the problem at home?

However, Yuanyuan is very unhappy now, and Gu Beiyan can't express his little feelings.

Just when he was secretly happy in his heart, Chu Qi suddenly said: "If you want to see Shen Ji, you can ask him about things you don't know. It's okay for him to come to your house occasionally to talk to you, right? That's how we meet ?”

Chu Qi's words seemed to be a pair of miraculous hands, opening the heavy curtain that covered Yu Yuanyuan's sunlight.

A piece of sunshine shines in, giving her wisdom and inspiration!

Then if she pretends that she doesn't know how to do anything, can she ask brother Shen Ji to come back and give her tutoring?

The always stupid little brain turned smart at this second.

Seeing a strange gleam in Yu Yuanyuan's eyes, Chu Qi raised her hand and shook it in front of her eyes, asking, "What's wrong, Yuanyuan?"

"Hey hey, it's okay." Xiao Zai Zai happily smirked.

During the time in the kindergarten, Yu Zaizai was making his own calculations in his heart to prepare for the end of school.

After finally waiting until school was over, she suddenly felt a little nervous, her heart beating and drumming.

Does this count as lying?

Lying is not a good kid!
Yu Zaizai was in a very tangled mood.

But when she was hesitating with her head buried, Teacher Su raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder, beckoning to Yu Zaizai with a smile: "Yuanyuan, daddy is here."

Normally, Yu Yuanyuan would be so happy to see Yu Jinxiao coming to pick her up in person.

Yu Jinxiao is still busy with his affairs, but his secretary and assistants are aware of one thing - no matter what, try to set aside time for sending off and picking up his daughter.

Unless there is an unchangeable time, Yu Jinxiao will occasionally ask Gao Zhou to pick up Yu Yuanyuan by himself, and he will also bring her some healthy snacks to make her happy.

Accustomed to Yu Yuanyuan's happy and chattering appearance every time he saw him, Yu Jinxiao could tell at a glance that something was wrong with her today.

what happened? ?
This little dumpling doesn't seem very happy! ! !

Going to kindergarten in the morning seems to be in the same state, but now the situation is even more serious!

Yu Jinxiao didn't ask anything in front of Teacher Su, but carried her back to the car, and then asked what happened in the kindergarten today.

But when Xiao Zai Zai talked about his life in the kindergarten, his tone was naturally calm, and he didn't seem to have had an unpleasant experience.


Is the problem at home?
Yu Jinxiao probably guessed what might be the reason, but he would not reveal it, let alone compromise.

The reason why he made such a decision at the beginning was also for the growth of Xiaotangyuan.

The car is usually happy and happy, but no one talks when I get home today.

Yu Yuanyuan nestled in the child seat, quietly staring at the back of the seat in front of her in a daze.

Yu Jinxiao thought she was simply in a bad mood.

In fact, Yu Yuanyuan was secretly perfecting her "plan" in her heart.

As soon as he got home, Xiao Zai Zai first carried his schoolbag to the study room to put it down, took out his small book and began to draw.

Time passed quickly, and it passed the time when Shen Ji usually got home.

In the past, Shen Ji would show up on time at this time, but today he won't be here.

Xiao Zai Zai looked eagerly at the door of the room with half-closed eyes, pouted his little mouth, twisted his eyes and went out.

Yu Jinxiao was on the phone in the study, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a small head peeking at Mao Maoxiong outside the study, and he dismissed the other party with a few words, ending the conversation.

"Puba~~~" Yu Zaizai heard him finish the phone call, and the voice of the little milk floated over in time, "Yuanyuan has a question and wants to ask you~~"

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