The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1803 Fei Family's Chicken Head

Before Yu Jinxiao and her "bye" hands could be put away in a hurry, that small body had already plunged into a group of children.

After huddling together for a few minutes, the small body seemed to be swallowed by an invisible monster, and disappeared amidst it.

Xiao Zaizai hasn't realized her abnormality yet, all her thoughts are on the VIP premiere tickets she is about to give away.

Waiting and waiting, Gu Beiyan was the first to arrive, followed by Chu Qi and Wen Zifei.

"Beiyan, Qiqi, Zifei!!" Yu Zaizai meowed, and his little claws grabbed them all, "Yuanyuan has... something for you!"

In the past, Yu Yuanyuan would occasionally bring them some snacks, but she wasn't as excited as she is today.

What did this bring?

Yu Yuanyuan's reaction aroused everyone's curiosity, and she walked to the end of the line under her tug.

I saw that little claw scratching and scratching from the small schoolbag, and took out three small cards with a whimper.

It's a small card, but it's a picture that Yu Yuanyuan got up early this morning to draw.

She deliberately cut the drawing paper into a small piece, folded it, and put a ticket inside.

The three little milk bags couldn't read, and they all looked confused.

"Yuanyuan, what is this?" Gu Beiyan held it in his hand and looked over and over again, but couldn't see what was going on.

"It's the chicken head from Yuanyuan Fatty's... the premiere ticket!" Having rehearsed the rhetoric countless times in her heart, Yu Yuanyuan still stuttered because of nervousness, "Yuanyuan wants to invite everyone Come and participate!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Yuanyuan watched everyone's reactions nervously without blinking her eyes.

This is an invitation, she can invite it, and others can refuse it.

Lying on the bed last night thinking about it, Yu Yuanyuan felt that the invitation should be more formal, and even got up early to draw six small cards.

"Fat's...chicken head?" Wen Zifei repeated in disbelief, "What are you talking about? Is it...a story about raising chickens?"

"Ah, probably so." The overly nervous Xiao Zai Zai answered irrelevantly.

Upon hearing this content, Wen Zifei had no interest and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

His spare time is not wasted, there are many interest classes alone.

"Okay, okay!!!" Gu Beiyan was so excited that he danced, "I will definitely participate! When is it?"

"Yes... Ah Ya, Yuanyuan doesn't know how to read either!" Xiao Zaizai widened his eyes in panic, as if he had encountered a major misstep.

"It's okay, I'll go back and ask my auntie, she can read, she can tell me what day it is, it must be written on the ticket." Chu Qi carefully packed the ticket into the notebook and clipped it, and her calm tone made Yu Yuanyuan clam down.

"That's right, I'll go back and ask my dad, I will definitely come to participate!" Gu Beiyan patted his heart firmly, as if he wanted to go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire for Yu Yuanyuan.

Now the only one who didn't express his opinion was Wen Zifei.

He stood there holding the card and the ticket, as if hesitating and thinking.

Xiao Zaizai is used to reading the air, and at a glance, he knows that Wen Zifei doesn't want to go as much as Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan.

"Zifei, are you unable to go because you have something to do?" Xiao Zaizai forced a smile and shook, "It's okay, if you can't go... Zifei can keep the ticket or give it to Bieyin."

Wen Zifei raised his eyes, and from the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of disappointment on that small face.

Both Gu Beiyan and Chu Qi agreed to go, is she still unhappy because he didn't agree?

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