The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1804 The smile on the corner of the mouth froze on the face

I thought those two guys agreed, and I didn't have much need to go.

From Wen Zifei's point of view, Yu Yuanyuan seems to have a better relationship with them among the three.

So she also cares about him?

Realizing this possibility, Wen Zifei couldn't help but straighten his back, and tentatively threw out a few words: "I didn't say no..."

While talking, he quietly watched Yu Yuanyuan's reaction from the corner of his eye, and there seemed to be a little light suddenly in those lonely eyes.

The small shrugged shoulders slowly rose, and the corners of the mouth raised a happy smile in advance.

Wen Zifei twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he was very satisfied with Yu Yuanyuan's expected appearance, and put the premiere ticket into his schoolbag: "I will go, it's just to watch a movie, and it won't take much time."

"That's right, we should support Yuanyuan, this is a movie made by Yuanyuan!" Gu Beiyan patted Wen Zifei, with an old Chen tone of sincerity.

In fact, Gu Beiyan also likes everyone to support Yu Yuanyuan.

"You don't need to tell me." Wen Zifei opened his hand.

After returning home from kindergarten in the afternoon, Yu Yuanyuan called Shen Ji, Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan again.

After explaining the situation, all three of them agreed that the Yu family would look for her after school and ask her to wait at home obediently.

Xiao Zaizai, who originally wanted to deliver the ticket himself, gave up the idea of ​​delivering the ticket by himself.

I deliberately didn't go to the study room today, and I sat in the yard early waiting for someone when Shen Ji got out of school.

"Meow~~ (Aren't you studying today?)" Dahua yawned while shaking.

"Yuanyuan is waiting for Brother Shen Ji, Brother Yunqing, Brother Yunlan~~"

"You have to wait for so many people." Dahua flicked the cat's head, and slowly crawled to her lap.

Even if it didn't say anything, its actions already said it all, it will wait here with Yu Yuanyuan.

It rained last night, and there was still a coolness in the air.

Yu Yuanyuan originally felt that her feet were a little cold, but when Dahua lay down beside her legs, the warm body temperature was like a small stove, bringing warmth at once.

"Dahua, Yuanyuan learned a new song today, can Yuanyuan sing it to you?"


"A little flower basking in the sun..." The little figure sitting there shook his head and sang.

The little milk's voice is clear and lovely, with good pitch, and her breath is more stable than ordinary people.

Dahua listened, moved her ears occasionally, and collapsed on Yu Yuanyuan's shoes in a relaxed manner.

The lazy big cat completely turned into a pie.

Outside the courtyard, three figures arrived at the same time, but they didn't bother them because they heard Yu Yuanyuan's singing.

The little voice that smelled of milk sang very cutely. The three of them were not in the same way, but they all took out their mobile phones in unison and started recording videos.

The little Zai Zai, who was so engrossed in singing, didn't notice anything yet. When it was over, he suddenly sniffed and smelled three familiar scents.

"Ah! Brother Shen Ji, Brother Yunqing, Brother Yunlan!" The little head suddenly appeared in the gap between the wooden doors of the courtyard, and caught them squarely.

"Yuanyuan, why did you ask us to come?" Mo Yunqing took a step forward, and occupied the most favorable and front position before Shen Ji stepped forward.

"Yuanyuan would like to invite you to watch the movie played by Yuanyuan~~"

Xiao Zai Zai had already brought the premiere ticket and his own small card downstairs, so that he could share it with them as soon as possible.

Pushing open the door, the little body ran back to the seat just now, and ran back again, and handed a card to Mo Yunqing first.

Mo Yunqing, who seemed to be favored, raised her eyebrows and smiled, first looked at Shen Ji's side, and then arrogantly swept Mo Yunlan with the corner of her eyes.

But when he opened the card, Mo Yunqing's smile froze on his face.

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