A name was written crookedly on that card: Shen Ji.

Although it was written like a ghostly talisman, Mo Yunqing recognized it at a glance.

In order to express her sincerity, Yu Yuanyuan drew all the names in the way of learning to draw according to the names stored in the children's watch.

But she was too anxious when she took the cards just now, and she forgot that she had written different names on them.

"Sorry, it looks like this card should belong to me." Shen Ji was a little taller than Mo Yunqing, and he saw the name on it at a glance, and reached out his hand to snatch the card from the side.

Mo Yunqing's face was extremely embarrassed, and the corners of his mouth had already been raised in advance, and he didn't know whether he should continue to rise.

"Ah duck!" Yu Yuanyuan remembered that she had written her name.

The little figure ran back and back again, holding up two new cards.

"Brother Yunqing, brother Yunlan, tell me..."

This time, the name was finally correct.

It's just that Mo Yunqing couldn't be too happy.

He thought that the card was specially made by Yuanyuan for him alone, but he didn't expect that everyone had it, especially Shen Ji's card seemed to be very beautiful, and he didn't know if he was careless.

"This is……"

"It's the tickets for the premiere of Yuanyuan's movie~~" Seeing that everyone got the tickets, Xiao Zaizai shrugged and shook hands, "Yuanyuan would like to invite everyone to watch together~~"

"I will definitely go!!" Mo Yunlan rushed to answer.

Mo Yunqing was not far behind: "I will go too, Yuanyuan, I will definitely go!"

"That's great~~~" Xiao Zai Zai happily patted his paws, and gradually looked towards Shen Ji.

"Of course I will go, this is a movie made by Yuanyuan." Shen Ji leaned over and touched that little head, his gentle tone pushed Yu Yuanyuan's happiness to the highest level.

"Hey hey hey~~~" The little boy who no longer knew how to express his happiness could only smirk.

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan were urged by the driver to go home to have dinner with Mo Yanrui, took the tickets and chatted for a while, and left reluctantly.

The Mo family now lives more in the new villa area, which is close to the urban area, which is convenient for Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan to attend interest classes and tutoring.

The twins are in a hurry, but Shen Ji is not in a hurry.

He simply went to the yard and sat down to chat with Yu Yuanyuan. The two did not discuss the movie, but chatted casually about the situation at school.

Shen Ji, who tutors Yu Yuanyuan every day, is already used to knowing about her affairs at school.

"Brother Shen Ji, do you want to listen to Yuanyuan's new song today~" Xiao Zai Zai raised his feet and shook his head from side to side.


"A little flower basks in the sun..."

Even though he had heard some of it just now, Shen Ji did not refuse.

Yuanyuan's singing voice is so cute and beautiful, even after recording it, listening to it repeatedly is not enough.

Yu Yuanyuan just got up, Shen Ji interrupted her singing apologetically, switched the phone to recording mode and squatted in front of her.

"Can I take a picture?" Shen Ji asked.

He knew Yu Yuanyuan too well, it was impossible for Yuanyuan to refuse.

"Okay, okay~"

Facing the camera, Yu Yuanyuan's movements and expressions became more dignified, and she even performed the little dance she had learned for Shen Ji.

Although the movements are a bit clumsy, but the round and bouncing appearance is really cute.

When the recording was over, Shen Ji raised his head and saw Yu Jinxiao standing at the French window on the second floor looking at this place.

He took a step back instinctively, and another sense of presence came from behind him!

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