The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1814 Add another 10000 points of happiness

Shen Zhuoya's style is to make people not popular, but also difficult to like.

Although his words were not very pleasant to listen to, his tone of voice and expression gave people the feeling that he was joking, as if whoever cared about him was narrow-minded.

Gu Jingye, who is normally gentle, was so choked that he didn't know how to reply.

Hearing Wen Ting's tantrum, the sullenness in his eyes seemed to be ignited by flames splashed with oil.

He was just about to open his mouth to refute, but Yu Jinxiao had already made a move ahead of time.

"Yeah, boring people really don't have much to talk about." Yu Jinxiao put one hand in his pocket, coping with ease.

Neither too sarcastic nor too condescending.

"Hey, Yu Jinxiao!" Shen Zhuoya twitched his lips, "I'm your savior, you still owe me a meal!"

"Didn't I invite you when I got married?"

"How can this be counted!"

"Of course it counts."

Seeing Shen Juya's retort, Wen Ting suddenly stopped being angry, and quietly pulled the corner of his mouth to smile.

Although Shen Juya's words were not so pleasant, they didn't seem to be malicious.

"Huh? Where's Shen Ji?" Shen Juya realized that Shen Ji was gone, and turned his head to look around.

"Let's go find Yuanyuan."

"Which direction did you say the lounge was from?"

Yu Jinxiao tilted his head, smiled but did not answer.

Shen Juya: "..." Forget it!Anyway, I can't get lost!

In fact, Shen Ji didn't intend to bring Shen Juya here, as Yu Yuanyuan only gave him one ticket.

But I don't know how Shen Zhuoya found out about the ticket, and secretly bought one at a high price. When he was about to leave, he rushed out to go out together, and Shen Ji knew that he had arranged everything quietly.

The arrow was on the string, and it had to be fired. Shen Ji didn't want to delay the time to be present, so he could only let Shen Zhuoya follow.

Seeing him talking "happy" with Mr. Yu just now, Shen Ji took the opportunity to leave to look for Yuanyuan.

The lounge is easy to find.

As soon as she stepped into that area, the children's laughter and excitement rushed over her face, as if even the air was guiding her.

Shen Ji knocked on the door, and there were small steps running in the room immediately.

"Ah, Brother Shen Ji!" Yu Yuanyuan's happy little voice added 10000 points of happiness.

The little round claw grabbed his hand and gently pulled Shen Ji in.

This is incredible, the lounge is not too big, but there are six children and two adults crowded.

There was a thick carpet on the floor, and Gu Beiyan was sitting on it with bare feet and cross-legged, laughing and talking to Chu Qi.

Chu Qi and Wen Zifei both looked forward as if they didn't want to pay attention to him.

Everyone wanted to chat with Yu Yuanyuan, but Yu Yuanyuan was too busy.

"Yuanyuan, I'm ready to go out!" The staff hurriedly stepped up to remind before the door was closed, "He Chen is also here, that's just right, let's go get ready together."

Unexpectedly, the event was about to start just after arriving, and Shen Ji felt a little uncomfortable.

The people in the room should have chatted with Yuanyuan for a long time.

If he hadn't been late, maybe he could have a good chat with Yuanyuan.

He, who was supposed to be the first to arrive, turned out to be the last one, all because of that troublesome "father".

If it wasn't for waiting for him, Shen Ji would have arrived at the scene long ago.

"Sorry, Yuanyuan, I'm late." Shen Ji frowned, his apology was written all over his face.

"It's okay~" Xiao Zai Zai raised his little claws and gently stroked Shen Ji's brows, "Seeing Brother Shen Ji coming, Yuanyuan is so happy to be knocked down! Hehehe!"

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