Yu Yuanyuan's smile seemed to have a powerful purification ability, making Shen Ji's disturbing apology instantly disappear.

Seeing Yuanyuan so happy made him feel better.

"Yuanyuan, we're going to get ready!" He Chen patted her on the head and extended his palm to invite her to set off together.

"Okay!" Xiao Zai Zai nodded, stretched his claws into He Chen's palm, and did not forget to tell He Yitong, "Ma Ma, you have to take Brother Shen Ji and the others with you~~ Don't let them get lost Already~"

"Don't worry, they won't lose it!" He Yitong blinked.

With Ma Ma's guarantee, Xiao Zai Zai happily went to the scene with He Chen to prepare.

The people who were left in the same place took out their tickets and found out that everyone's seats were next to each other, which was just right.

It's just pity that Gu Jingye, Wen Ting, and Shen Zhuoya were scattered all over the place, and couldn't sit with his son.

The children sit in rows.

Shen Ji was the only link among them, and was forced to sit in the middle, while Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong sat at the corners of their mouths.

Before the premiere began, there were some simple speeches and answers to questions.

Although Yu Yuanyuan is young, when dealing with the media's questions, she answered very clearly, with the cuteness and innocence of a child.

In contrast, Yu Cangnan's answer seemed sophisticated and watertight.

After the process that should go is over, it is officially time for the screening.

There is a row of empty seats in the front row, reserved for directors and actors.

Xiao Zai Zai was led by He Chen, and moved joltingly into the seat, and finally sat in the row in front of Shen Ji's seat.

"Yuanyuan, brother Ming doesn't have a place yet, you have to move another one." He Chen still didn't understand Xiao Zai Zai's careful thinking.

"Yuanyuan wants to sit next to brother Shen Ji~" Yu Zaizai replied aggrievedly.

As soon as He Chen heard this, he walked around Xiao Zai Zai without hesitation, and moved inside by himself.

After everyone sat down, Yu Yuanyuan turned her head and smiled at the whole row of people behind her, but in the end, her smile stayed on Shen Ji's face.

All the lights went out and voices came from the speakers.

The pictures on the big screen in front of him began to appear, which made Yu Yuanyuan's little heart nervous.

Xiao Zai Zai hasn't watched the full movie yet, and she's not sure how she will perform.

The feeling now is no different from watching a film made by a stranger.

The audience was very quiet, and everyone watched very carefully. With the development of the plot, there were sometimes laughter and sometimes exclamations——

But in the touching part, everyone couldn't help crying.

Gu Beiyan cried even more when he saw it. Chu Qi slapped his head several times before he managed to control his crying.

There were faint cries and sobbing sounds all around.

Looking at herself in the dark in the camera, Yu Yuanyuan almost couldn't recognize her. She seemed to have just watched a very exciting story. When the ending subtitles appeared, she was still staring at the screen eagerly. What is in her little heart? restless.

It turns out that after filming and watching the film, there is such a strong sense of accomplishment!
Yu Zaizai couldn't tell what that feeling was called, but it made her blood flow faster and her body temperature rise, as if sitting on the stool was sealed.

no!She's going to blow up!
"Papa papa—" The lights on the scene came on, and Yu Yuanyuan was the first to jump up and clap her hands desperately, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Everyone didn't realize that Yu Yuanyuan was the first to clap their hands, and they clapped their palms along with Rumble, and the applause was thunderous.

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