The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1819 The cutest cub in the world

As soon as Shen Ji opened his mouth, Mo Yunqing, Mo Yunlan and Gu Beiyan had nothing to say.

There is really no reward for fighting for this, it's just to satisfy their own concerns.

"Today is a very happy day of gathering, why do you give Yuanyuan unnecessary 'homework'?"

In front of Yu Yuanyuan, Shen Ji didn't want to speak too harshly, but also was afraid that these three little devils would not be able to let go of their self-righteous persistence and continue to make trouble for Yu Yuanyuan.

Xiao Zaizai was holding the tray at this time, with timid eyes, as if he was still thinking about how to answer.

"Yuanyuan, you don't need to answer," Shen Ji put his hand on the little head, "Some questions have no answers, because every friend is very important, so Yuanyuan doesn't know how to choose."

Hearing Shen Ji's words, his little head moved vigorously to agree.

"Yes, everyone is Yuanyuan's best friend! Yuanyuan doesn't want to choose!" the pouting pout
"As Yuanyuan's good friend, but you come to make things difficult for her, is she really still her good friend?"

After the words fell, there was no sound around, and the noisy Gu Beiyan and the twins stopped talking.

Chu Qi and Wen Zifei stood in the back row, watching the oppressive scene over there, and sighed in a low voice: "Shen Ji has to solve it."

"Yuan...Yuanyuan, what are you eating? It smells so good!" Gu Beiyan, who didn't know how to answer, murmured for a moment, and changed the subject abruptly.

"Yuanyuan didn't say anything, Beiyan, what do you want to eat? Yuanyuan will take you there to get it!" Seeing that she no longer forced herself to choose who is her best friend, Xiao Zai Zai was happy for a second and squirmed off the bench Come down and stand still.

"I seem to be hungry too, let's get something to eat." Mo Yunlan rubbed her stomach, then looked towards Mo Yunqing with a guilty conscience.

Mo Yunqing actually thought a lot about refuting Shen Ji's words, but so what?It will only make his face even more annoying, not only can't add points, but it will also make Yuanyuan hate it!

He's not that stupid!

For an answer, it will affect the relationship with Yuanyuan!
"Let's go, go get some food." Mo Yunqing turned around and walked a few steps, then looked back at Yu Yuanyuan, as if waiting for her to lead the way.

A group of little grapes held hands and went there to get food.

When it comes to eating, Yu Yuanyuan has unlimited happiness!

She didn't know what those foods were called, but she had eaten a lot just now and knew what everything looked like.

What is delicious and what is particularly delicious, she knows better than anyone else.

He Yitong and Yin Hui have cooperated for a long time. Both of them are actresses who need to maintain their figure. They only took a little healthy food and chatted in the corner.

"Yeah, look at Yuanyuan is so cute!" Yin Hui squinted her eyes and smiled, "Yuanyuan is so cute! How did you give birth to such a cute baby!"

He Yitong tried to smile: "..." She also wanted to know this question.

She also thinks her cub is the cutest cub in the world! ! !

Sometimes she was lying down and sleeping alone, and He Yitong would never tire of watching her by the bed, and occasionally she would ask questions as curious as Yin Hui.

Is such a cute cub really her cub——

That feeling of being too good to be real made He Yitong occasionally have such absurd thoughts.

"If there is a chance, I have to play a mother-daughter role with Yuanyuan!" Yin Hui started giggling again.

When He Yitong heard this, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes became sharper.

"Oh, the acting is all fake!" Yin Hui understood her eyes in seconds, and pushed He Yitong's arm with a smile, "But, I also want to experience having such a cute baby..."

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