The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1820 Yuanyuan, will you dance with me later?

In the other corner, Yu Jinxiao was dealing with three difficult characters alone, and he felt that it was nothing more than that.

Probably because he dealt with Yu Yuanyuan too much, he didn't even care about Gu Jingye, Wen Ting, and Shen Zhuoya combined.

In the past, Yu Jinxiao was a man of temperament, and he was always the only one to please others, not him to entertain others.

There are many things for an unhappy person to walk away, but as a Buddha, he feels that some things he has never done before are not so resistant.

"Mr. Yu, what a fate." Gu Jingye shook his wine glass, looking at the bunch of little grapes over there, "I never thought Yuanyuan and Beiyan would become good friends."

"It is indeed fate," Wen Ting, who was also touched, also joined the chat. "I thought my son would have no friends because of his bad temper. Now it seems...he made a real good friend in kindergarten."

Gu Jingye and Yu Jinxiao were silent for a moment at the same time.

Who is your son's bad temper inherited from? Do you really have no idea? !

Both fathers expressed their sighs, but Shen Zhuoya only focused on drinking, as if he hadn't integrated into this "circle".

The three pairs of eyes looked towards the other side, so that Shen Zhuoya even tasted bitter in the wine.

"What are you looking at me for?" Shen Juya pouted, "I just found a place to sit, and I didn't come to chat with you."

"In that case... you can sit over there and don't listen to our secret." Wen Ting made a "please" gesture.

There were many sofas and chairs at the celebration banquet, and Shen Zhuoya could choose a place to sit at will.

However, he is not a fool, he sat aside alone, didn't he just show that he was rejected by these guys?
He is now accompanying Shen Ji as a father, he does not want to affect his image in his son's mind!

Besides, the crew is too big, and people with special thoughts are eager to get in touch with them and get to know them.

Once he placed his order, wouldn't that mean giving others a chance to harass him?
Shen Juya would never do such a self-defeating thing!

With Yu Jinxiao in charge, no matter how much he wanted to get to know a big shot, he didn't dare to come forward to talk to him rashly.

"Beiyan, this one is delicious, and this one is delicious too," Yu Yuanyuan was very busy. After the good friend "competition" incident just now, she had to take care of everyone, "Zifei, eat Come on, Kiki! Tell me something delicious! Brother Yunqing, brother Yunlan, do you want a drink? Have a good drink~~"

It might be difficult for the waiters in the restaurant to handle 5 tables of people at the same time, not to mention the little guy Yu Yuanyuan.

Not long after, Yu Yuanyuan became dizzy and dizzy, staring at her eyes, watching Gu Beiyan calling Brother Yunqing, seeing Wen Zifei calling Gu Beiyan...

Chu Qi knew why Yu Yuanyuan was so busy taking care of everyone, she just didn't want everyone to have a gap in their hearts.

"Yuanyuan, are you full?" Chu Qi intentionally interrupted Yu Yuanyuan's "greeting", "Don't just focus on us, get some more food, let's sit over there and eat together."

"Okay, okay~~" Once Xiao Zaizai's one-way thinking was interrupted, he forgot what he originally wanted to do, and his thoughts drifted away following Chu Qi's words.

A few little Douding came to a small round table with a lot of food and sat down.

This was specially prepared by Yu Cangnan, in order to adapt to the children's height.

Even the food is deliberately lowered to make it easier for children to pick up.

As soon as they sat down, melodious music came from the stereo, and someone was already dancing on the dance floor.

Gu Beiyan's eyes widened, and just as he opened his mouth, Mo Yunqing quickly took the lead: "Yuanyuan, you can dance with me later, okay?"

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