The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1822 Really Looks Like a Cat Head

Music sounded.

Mo Yunqing's protest was covered.

Xiao Zai Zai could have ignored his words, but felt that Brother Yun Qing's appearance of being hit was so pitiful.

"Brother Yunqing, wait for Yuanyuan~ Yuanyuan will gain weight soon~"

After finishing speaking, the little head tilted, poked out from Shen Ji's arm, and smiled happily at him.

One second, Mo Yunqing still felt wronged and unconvinced, and the next second, that smiling face almost melted all his dissatisfaction.

"Okay~~" Mo Yunqing instantly raised his eyebrows, standing upright like a bad boy who suddenly became obedient.

Shen Ji was tall, so he had to dance with Yu Yuanyuan to dance with her.

Fortunately, he has long arms, so it is not difficult to hold the little claw.

But Yu Yuanyuan kept staring at the ground, and her movements were not as comfortable as when she was dancing with Yu Yingze just now.

"What's the matter, Yuanyuan, did you drop something? Why are you staring at the ground all the time?" Shen Ji's voice fell from the top of his head softly, as if his words had awakened the little boy.

She didn't even notice that she was looking at the ground all the time.

"Yuanyuan is afraid... afraid of stepping on elder brother Shen Ji."

Although this is the second dance, she was very careful just now so that she didn't step on her second brother.

Brother Shen Ji dressed so nicely today, Yu Zaizai didn't want to step on his shoes.

"It doesn't matter," Shen Ji said with a smile, "Dancing, shouldn't one enjoy the joy in it? Even if you accidentally step on it, it doesn't mean it's a bad thing, it can also be counted as an interesting episode~"

That's what he said, but Yu Yuanyuan still refused to raise his head, his whole body was tense, and even his little claws were straining, making Shen Ji's fingers sweat.

"Yuanyuan, look at the ceiling!"

"What duck!"

It's easy to arouse the curiosity of a little cub.

When Yu Zaizai raised his head, what he saw was not the ceiling, but Shen Ji's gentle smile.

There was nothing on the ceiling except for a row of lights. She looked at it for a long time but was only attracted by Shen Ji's smile.

"What's the matter, brother Shen Ji?" Xiao Zaizai didn't know that he was being "schemed" at all, "What duck is on the ceiling? Yuanyuan didn't see it!"

"Yuanyuan, how about taking a closer look?"

"Ah duck, did you see the round log~~"

"It's okay, see?"

"No...ah duck!" Just as Yu Yuanyuan was concentrating on looking at the ceiling, her little feet seemed to have stepped on something.

The feeling coming from under her feet made Yu Yuanyuan jump in fright, no different from a frightened kitten.

She stopped and saw half a footprint on Shen Ji's shoe.

"To Buji, Brother Shen Ji." Little Zaizai said apologetically, biting his lip.

"Yuanyuan, what do you think this shoe print looks like?"

"Karma?" Yu Zaizai looked puzzled, "Shoe prints... like... shoe prints?"

She answered cautiously.

"Don't you think it looks a bit like a kitten's head? Here are the ears, here are the face, and here are its eyes..." Shen Ji gestured to her seriously with his fingers.

Different from Yu Yingze's reaction of being stepped on, Shen Ji didn't seem to have any dissatisfaction with "being stepped on", and even discussed the shape of the shoe print with her with interest.

Children are easily led by other people's emotions, and Yu Yuanyuan can't help but let go of her nervousness and start to observe seriously.

"Ah, it really looks like a cat's head!"

"Is it? Shoe prints aren't all that annoying, are they?"

" seems to be aww."

"Doesn't Yuanyuan need to hate footprints too much?"

"It seems to be da~hehe~"

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