The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1823 You can step on me casually

Yu Yuanyuan no longer dances with her head down, but looks wherever she wants, and dances however she wants.

Occasionally guessing Shen Ji's shoes, Shen Ji will not be angry, but will stop for a while to accompany her to see what the shoe prints look like this time.

After the end of a song, Yu Zaizai still felt that he was still unsatisfied, and wished to dance for a while.

But... two menacing figures appeared behind him.

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan blocked behind at the same time, as if determined to win.

Having already danced with Yuanyuan, Shen Ji didn't delay Yu Yuanyuan on purpose, but the gentleman stepped aside calmly.

Compared with the eagerness of the twins, Shen Ji's performance made them look like a pair of clowns.

None of the twins wanted to be the next one, so they simply took Yu Yuanyuan's hand.

Yu Yuanyuan, who has never danced with two of her colleagues before, is in a mess in her head, and the dance steps she just got used to have turned into shrimp and egg dances.



"To Buji, brother Yunqing."

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt to step on it."

"Ah duck, to Buji, brother Yunlan."

"It's alright~"

In just one song, Yu Yuanyuan successfully turned the twins' shoes into gray.

The romantic and harmonious picture imagined by the two did not even exist for a second in reality.

At the end of the song, Mo Yunlan felt that the toe of her shoe was even dented, as if a small crater had been stepped on.

After dancing, Mo Yunlan found a bench to sit on, took off her shoes, and pushed up the upper with her fingers from the inside.

No matter how you look at that picture, it's funny.

Gu Beiyan was not afraid of "stepping on", as soon as the twins were over, he immediately clamored to dance with Yu Yuanyuan.

Chu Qi was never used to such an overly lively environment, and Wen Zifei was not interested in being "stepped on" by others, so the two found a bench nearby to sit and watch.

"Ah duck, I'm sorry, Beiyan!"

"I'm sorry Yuanyuan, I didn't step on you on purpose!"

"To Buji, Beiyan."

"it's okay no problem."


Compared to others, Yu Yuanyuan hurts in one direction.

When it comes to Gu Beiyan, it becomes their mutual harm.

After the song ended, both Yu Yuanyuan's and Gu Beiyan's shoes turned dusty and full of footprints.

But the two laughed "quack", as if they liked this fair way of stepping on each other, and neither of them was under pressure.

You stepped on me, I also stepped on you, no burden or pressure in my heart, perfect!

Chu Qi and Wen Zifei didn't want to dance, so Yu Yuanyuan could finally sit down and rest for a while.

I'm exhausted from dancing, and she's hungry again!
Little Qiuqiu went to find a dinner plate, and walked towards the dining area, bouncing around.

The twins sat in the corner to shine their shoes, while Shen Ji and Yu Mingxi were chatting quietly, and only the three children from the kindergarten were sitting dryly on the bench.

"Chu Qi, why don't you dance?" Gu Beiyan tried dancing for the first time, even if he danced blindly, he was very happy shaking with the rhythm.

Chu Qi was expressionless: "I don't want to dance."


"No why."



Gu Beiyan seemed to be a terrible repeater, as if he insisted on asking for a reason, and his tone was even a little unbelievable.

How could anyone not like such an interesting thing! ! !
"I won't." Chu Qi thought for a while, and found what she thought was the most perfect excuse.

"I don't know how either," Gu Beiyan stretched out his hand and grabbed Chu Qi's fingers, "Let's go, let's dance together! You can step on me as you like, it doesn't matter!"

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