The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1824 Jumping Like a Fool

"I won't dance, I said I won't." Chu Qi sat on the stool and refused to move.

But Gu Beiyan tugged twice, and she slid halfway off the bench, and she would be dragged away if she was not careful.

The two stalemate in front of the bench for a long time. Wen Zifei's ears hurt from the noise, so he stretched out his hand and pushed Chu Qi aside.

"It's annoying, don't make noise here."

Chu Qi staggered and almost knocked her head on Gu Beiyan's chin.


"It's okay, let's go, let's dance!" Just after apologizing, Chu Qi, who was not ready, was pulled to the place where she was dancing just now.

Children don't need too much space, as long as there is a small space, they can get unlimited happiness.

Gu Beiyan really can't jump, like a little flea, he can only hold Chu Qi's hand and jump around like a fool.

Compared with Gu Beiyan's bouncing around, Chu Qi was as quiet as a stone at the bottom of a river.


That quiet stone will sometimes be gently moved by the stream.

After standing for a while, Chu Qi felt that her limbs were relaxing with Gu Beiyan's devotion, and she suddenly realized that she seemed to have never let go of everything like this.

It seems that there is no trouble at all, no worries and unhappiness.

When Yu Yuanyuan came back, she happened to see Chu Qi jumping up and down with Gu Beiyan a little cooperatively.

"Wow, Qiqi is so boring!" Xiao Zaizai, who was eating, didn't forget to flatter her.

Chu Qi's cheeks were a little red: "What's so amazing."

"Qiqi can't even step on Beiyan when she dances!"


It turns out that in Xiao Zai Zai's heart, he is powerful according to this standard.

The celebration banquet lasted until 9 o'clock in the evening, and the first session was barely over.

It's time for the children to go to bed, and the parents have to take the children home early.

Seeing that Yu Yuanyuan was about to leave, Yin Hui was very reluctant.

After this collaboration, I don't know when the next meeting will be.

Almost everyone at the scene took a group photo with Yuanyuan alone. After that day, many people's mobile phone screen savers changed to a photo with Yuanyuan.

After taking the group photo, Gu Jingye wanted to send Chu Qi home first, and left early after saying hello to everyone.

Yu Yuanyuan was dragged by the twins and chatted again and again, and even made an appointment to hang out together next time.

The little cub, who was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes for a long time, his eyes were confused, he just stared at the front and nodded foolishly, his head had lost the ability to function.

It seemed that before leaving, Yu Cangnan said something else, Yu Yuanyuan squinted her eyes and kept nodding, but she didn't catch a single word.

He Yitong was going to catch a plane, and Yu Jinxiao had prepared a private plane in advance, so he could send her back to the set immediately.

He originally hoped that she could take a day off, but He Yitong loves her career and is willing to give in on many other unimportant things. When it comes to filming, no one in the family can persuade her.

Yu Jinxiao understands her and respects her wishes, and will not presumptuously force her to follow her own ideas.

After sending He Yitong to the airport first, Yu Yuanyuan was already sleeping soundly in the back row.

The little head was stuck to the car door, with an original mark on the cheek.

"Yu Yuanyuan, mom is going to get on the plane." Yu Jinxiao lowered the window of the car secretly, his little head leaning against the window creaked, and finally leaned completely on the frame of the car.

"Ah?...Oh..." The squinted eyes tried to open the gap a little bit, but before he could see the black eyeballs, the eyes closed together again.

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