The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1825 It took a while to separate slowly

"Forget it, wait for her to sleep." He Yitong touched that little head, buried her head in Yu Yuanyuan's hair and kissed it lightly.

It's not long since I met Zai Zai, and now I'm about to separate again.

He Yitong felt extremely reluctant in his heart.

However, since she came to the world in this book, she learned some insights that she didn't understand in Wonderland.

She can live for herself, pursue her ideals and things she likes. Her life should not only be about eating and basking in the sun, there are many wonderful things to choose from.

Family is the harbor of her heart, but it will never be one of the choices she has to have both.

Children also have their own lives and futures.

Only by being herself, can she set a good example for her children.

"Mom, when will you go home next time?" Yu Yingze asked with eyes full of reluctance, his head popped out of the window, and his voice was suppressed.

He was afraid of waking Yu Yuanyuan up, and also afraid that his mother would not hear her.

He Yitong hooked the corners of his mouth, leaned his head through the gap in the car window, and smacked Yu Yingze's forehead: "When the filming of this movie is over, I'll go home and spend more time with you, soon."

Yu Yingze didn't make any other requests, but just nodded obediently to express his understanding.

Yu Mingxi, who has long been used to all this, waved his hands as before, with a little smile on his cheeks, but his eyes kept following He Yitong's direction.


"Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of Yuanyuan and Yingze." Yu Mingxi rushed back, as if to reassure He Yitong.

He Yitong laughed as soon as he heard it, stretched his arms into the car, and patted Da Zai Zai's head: "Fool, Mom wants to say that you have to take care of yourself," she glanced at Yu Jinxiao from the corner of her eye, the corners of her lips raised , "Yuanyuan and Yingze's father will take care of you. You are also a child. You should take care of yourself and be happy every day."

"I will." Yu Mingxi nodded firmly.

He seems to always walk ahead of others, learn to walk ahead, and the same is true of his mind.

Let Yu Mingxi and others forget that he is just a child.

It was supposed to be a simple, happy and relaxed life, but Yu Mingxi always took too many responsibilities on himself.

He Yitong spent a short time with them in the world of books, but in the fairyland, she had long since discovered that Da Zai Zai was too mature and sensible.

While the other cubs were still chasing and biting, being attracted by a bird and a butterfly, Yu Mingxi learned to take good care of his younger siblings and stay with them all the time.

No matter how interesting it is, he will never forget his "responsibility" to "accompany his younger siblings".

Although this responsibility has never been imposed on him.

After saying goodbye to the cubs, He Yitong got up and saw Yu Jinxiao standing silently behind her.

This man rarely showed too many emotions and expressions, as if he enjoyed others trying to figure him out.

But He Yitong doesn't need to figure it out, she knows him well.

He was reluctant for her to go back so soon, but he had too many scruples, and he would never distract and embarrass her by saying something to keep her.

"I'm leaving," He Yitong straightened up, looking straight at Yu Jinxiao, "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"Eat well and rest well."


"Not for the time being," Yu Jinxiao always felt as if she had something to say, "If there is anything else, I can call you when I think about it."

"Okay." He Yitong smiled, raised his hand to grab his skirt, and pulled him towards him.

The cubs sitting in the car only felt that their father was suddenly close to their mother. The distance between the two seemed to be very close and very quiet. It took a long time before they slowly separated.

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