The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1831 It's too late to remind

"Wow... Yuanyuan sounds really boring!"

"It was already great."


The day of the Dianying Cup Awards Ceremony.

It just so happened that He Yitong was also shortlisted for Best Actress, and she and Yu Yuanyuan could finally walk the red carpet together in mother-daughter outfits.

The clothing is sponsored by a certain brand, whether it is color, design or collocation, they are all carefully designed.

And that little ball actually received an endorsement invitation from a jewelry brand.

Yu Jinxiao did not agree, he hoped that Yu Yuanyuan's future life would be more inclined to study.

Even if she wants to be an actor in the future, she can't put all her heart into this line too early.

Later, Yu Jinxiao directly bought a necklace and bracelet for Yu Yuanyuan to use on the red carpet.

Children are born with a dazzling presence and do not need to be decorated with too many expensive jewelry.

Yu Jinxiao also deliberately did not choose those shiny styles, but more of the colorful bracelets and necklaces that Yu Yuanyuan likes.

Today's He Yitong is wearing a black dress, which is simple and elegant, but it brings out her queenly temperament.

Yu Yuanyuan next to her was wearing a black and white checkered dress with puff sleeves. There were colored transparent balls hanging on the bracelet and neck, and the colors were embellished just right.

"Ma Ma~ Do you have something to eat soon?" He Yitong was shaking his palm lightly to greet the fans, when Yu Yuanyuan's voice floated faintly.

"No, there's no food until it's over."

"Ah duck~" Hearing this, Yu Zaizai expressed her depression, but she was only depressed for two seconds, she pawed her small bag with her claws, "Fortunately, Yuanyuan brought something delicious, hehehe~ "

The awards ceremony took a long time, and it was really difficult for a kid like Yu Yuanyuan.

There were some performances at the beginning, and speeches by various important people.

After going back and forth, Yu Yuanyuan felt her eyelids start to fight.

Especially, she just quietly finished eating a bag of shrimp crackers, she was full and sleepy, so she wanted to tell her about her sleepiness~~
If it was this time in the past, she would already be lying comfortably on the bed, humming.

Why does the awards ceremony take so long!

I can't inform who has won the prize, so give the prize quickly, and go back to each house!
The more she thought about it, the more sleepy Yu Yuanyuan became, and her eyes gradually closed.

Letting all kinds of laughter and singing around her...she had already turned a deaf ear, and fell asleep more and more.

Sitting next to He Yitong was a good friend she had known since she first entered the industry. The two hadn't seen each other for a while, and the good friend was shortlisted for the Best Supporting Actress award.

The two never had any disagreements over their careers, and every time they met they talked about things that had nothing to do with acting.

He Yitong stared at Yu Yuanyuan out of the corner of his eye, all his thoughts were whispering and discussing with his good friends.

Occasionally, when the live camera turns around, she also pays attention to giving a perfect smile.

The sound of the awards ceremony completely covered Yu Yuanyuan's breathing, and a chubby little ball gradually began to slide down the bench.

Seeing this, the unfamiliar actor next door looked around in a daze, and gently picked up the little body and carried it up.

Very good, Yuanyuan can "slip" for a while~
After a bunch of preludes, it finally came to the most important awards ceremony.

By the time the best new actress award was presented, Yu Yuanyuan had already fallen asleep and completely lost consciousness.

According to the usual practice, the director will give each candidate a close-up of the face.

There are 5 other people shortlisted together with Yu Yuanyuan this time, the youngest is Yu Yuanyuan, and the oldest is the heroine of an idol drama at 25 years old.

When the camera cuts one by one, each candidate is beautiful, and even the smile seems to have a specific pattern, which is perfect.

However, when the camera panned to Yu Yuanyuan...

He Yitong saw it on the zoomed-in live screen, and it was too late to remind him!

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