The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1832 The winner of the best new actress award is

Chapter 1832 The winner of the Best New Actress Award is...

The round head was tilted on the back of the chair, sleeping on all fours.

The small movements of hula hula made the lips open a little gap from time to time.

I don't know what I dreamed about, the little red mouth is shiny, and it babbles from time to time, as if it is eating something.

"Yuanyuan..." He Yitong gasped, and immediately touched that little claw with his elbow.

But Yu Yuanyuan was completely drowsy, lying motionless on the chair, with a round mouth.

The "actresses" present were all competing for splendor. As one of the "actresses", Yu Yuanyuan seemed like a Buddhist fish.

The camera seemed to deliberately oppose Yu Yuanyuan, but it stopped on her close-up and didn't move...

Low laughter rang out at the scene, and everyone looked this way curiously.

Seeing that he couldn't wake up with his elbow, He Yitong patted her belly with his palm instead.

The small bag full of snacks was resting on the belly, and was slapped by the palm, making the sound of plastic rubbing.

The closed eyes finally opened a crack: " can't take Yuanyuan's snacks!"

The camera was still pointing at the close-up of the little head. Although there was no radio, this scene was recorded by netizens watching the live broadcast.

After comparing the lip language, everyone seems to have cracked some incredible secret——

"So what Yuanyuan said was not to take her snacks!"

As expected of Yuanyuan, only snacks can wake her up from her dreams.

Turning her head suspiciously, seeing everyone looking at her, Yu Yuanyuan immediately adjusted her body and sat upright.

"Swollen...why is it swollen?"

"The big screen captured Yuanyuan~" He Yitong pointed upwards.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanyuan immediately put her hands together, with a cute and elegant look, pretending that nothing happened.

However, it's too late!
The way she was sleeping with her head tilted just now has become a trending search in an instant.

Seeing that Yu Yuanyuan had woken up, the director continued to invite award presenters.

In order to create a sense of tension, the award-presenting guests told a few funny jokes to delay the time. After the director showed each nominee, they mysteriously said: "The name of the actor who won the award this time is 3 characters!"

There are 6 finalists, and 6 are all three-letter names.

After a brief moment of nervousness, the others smiled calmly, and the atmosphere around them was extremely tense.

On the other hand, Yu Yuanyuan...

When the camera caught her, she was pointing with her fingers one by one: "One, two, three... Wow! Yuanyuan's name seems to be three characters too!"

In order to make sure that he did not make a mistake, Xiao Zai Zai deliberately looked at Ma Ma beside him.

He Yitong was so teased that she wanted to laugh and felt embarrassed, she nodded, and gently touched that head with her palm.

Everyone else was keeping a low profile and acting modest, but Yu Yuanyuan was the only one who was seriously studying the number of words in her name.

In fact, the three words mean nothing to her, but she was afraid of making a mistake, so she asked her fingers to come out of the rivers and lakes to help calculate together.

After everyone raised their heads and Guan Zi had sold enough, the award presenter suddenly spoke forcefully: "The winner of the Best New Actress Award is..."

"Her shortlisted film is five words!" The award presenter shook the name only he knew, and winked at everyone.

The tense atmosphere at the scene broke out into laughter again, and some people even waved their hands with a smile, signaling the award presenters not to be secretive.

But at the moment when everyone relaxed, the award presenters caught off guard and read out the winner's name!

(End of this chapter)

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