The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1835 Talking about Yu Yuanyuan is really useful

Chapter 1835 Talking about Yu Yuanyuan is really useful
Where there are many people, conflicts are prone to appear, especially on the Internet.

Shen Ji, who watched the whole award presentation, was even more nervous than Yu Yuanyuan.

He knew that this trophy was a kind of recognition. No matter what others said, Yuanyuan's performance was seen in everyone's eyes, and he had his own decision.

Shen Ji almost knocked over the water glass placed by the bed when the award-presenting guest was trying to tease him.

Seeing that chubby man coming down from the stage with the trophy in his arms, Shen Ji stared at the screen and smiled involuntarily.

He didn't even notice when the door was pushed open.

"Smiling so happily, did you see Yuanyuan winning the prize?" Shen Juoya stood at the door with arms crossed, his tall body leaning against the door frame, the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Being pierced by others seems to be a very resisting thing, Shen Ji tightened his lips, and even his eyebrows and eyes became cold: "Is it very difficult to knock on the door?"

"Do you think I didn't knock?" Shen Juya said helplessly, "Someone looked too seriously and didn't hear it at all."

For the first time, Shen Ji felt uncertain about being handled by Shen Zhuoya.

Just now all his attention was on whether Yuanyuan could win the award, so he didn't have the time to pay attention to other things.

Shen Zhuoya said that he knocked on the door, but Shen Ji couldn't remember whether he knocked or not.

"But having said that, those who were nominated with her this time are not very good. Although Yu Yuanyuan is young, she acted well," Shen Zhuoya said, while quietly looking at Shen Ji's expression, "This little girl The girl hasn't done systematic training yet, if she had the opportunity to train, she might become the earliest record of being a film queen."

These words were words that Shen Juya had pondered over and over for a long time.

He found out that as long as he is boastful and round, Shen Ji will be more in a mood to chat with himself.

"Well, Yuanyuan's acting skills can't be called superb, but her performance in the movie is obvious to all, and she has great potential."

Haha, Shen Zhuoya was secretly happy in his heart, it was rare for Shen Ji to talk to himself without choking!
Talking about Yu Yuanyuan is really useful!

As soon as the live broadcast of the awards ceremony ended, Xiao Zai Zai's phone and watch received a steady stream of calls.

Some Gu Beiyan called to congratulate her, some Chu Qi and Wen Zifei congratulated her, and even the twins watched the live broadcast completely, and her number was broadcast at the click of a button.

Poor He Chen squeezed for a long time before finally squeezed into the line!

He was shortlisted for Best Actor, but this year there were so many bosses nominated with him, He Chen knew that it was impossible for him to win the award.

Moreover, the schedule of the awards ceremony collided with another event, and he himself was not present, but he has been following the live broadcast.

When he saw Yu Yuanyuan winning the award, He Chen was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes, holding his mobile phone and screaming excitedly, like an uncivilized monkey.

After He Shen's fire, the company replaced him with a new assistant and manager.

The two had been with He Chen for a long time, and they knew that he was good-tempered and funny, so they secretly took videos while He Chen was watching the live broadcast.

When the picture of He Chen taking off on the spot was photographed, the manager unceremoniously posted it on the Internet.

[Worthy of being a good friend of Yuanyuan Zai, He Chen is even more excited than himself for winning the award, with tears in his eyes]

【Guys, have you noticed that he seems to be less and less burdened by idols】

[I found it, but don't go back to the past, the current He Chen is very good]

Xiao Zai Zai and He Yitong won the trophy, and happily returned to the lounge... A dark, familiar figure in a suit and leather shoes was already sitting there waiting for them.

(End of this chapter)

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