The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1836 The appearance of the three members of the Yu family cannot be blackened

Chapter 1836
"Pu Ba~~~~" A small round ball rushed forward and hugged Yu Jinxiao's leg with a puff.

He calmly patted his furry little head.

"Yuanyuan got the little red flower!" Yu Zaizai raised his trophy at once.

But the trophy was too heavy, she gritted her teeth, the flesh on her cheeks trembled, and she finally lifted it to a position parallel to her face, and she was already exhausted.

"This is a trophy, not a little red flower."

"Oh~ Yuanyuan got the trophy~ Hehe~~"

"It's amazing." Yu Jinxiao patted her head, praising her for being clear and watery.

When He Yitong heard this, he couldn't help but squeeze his eyes: "Can't you praise Zai Zai in a more exaggerated and expressive manner?"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

Although he was very happy for this little glutinous rice ball, Yu Jinxiao was used to such a calm look, so he would unconventionally make exaggerated praise.

He brewed for a while, lowered his eyes, just in time to meet the pair of bright eyes looking at him.

That short arm, like a lotus root, tried hard to let him admire the trophy, but he was too tired to put it away.

Trembling and struggling to maintain the original height.

"Is this Yuanyuan's trophy?" Yu Jinxiao supported the pair of small hands to help Yu Yuanyuan relieve the burden, "It looks very nice."

"That's right! Yuanyuan also thinks it's pretty!" Xiao Zaizai responded excitedly, "Baba, can Yuanyuan put it on the bed?"

"Can you...?" After subconsciously agreeing, Yu Jinxiao felt that the words didn't sound right.

Put it on the bed? ?
This is not a plush toy, what are you doing on the bed?
Moreover, it is hard and has sharp edges and corners, so it is easy to bump and bump.

"It can be placed on the bedside table, but it cannot be placed on the bed." Instead, her tone became a little serious, which made Yu Yuanyuan's little expression quietly scrutinized a little bit frustrated.

But depression is depression, Yu Jinxiao must not agree just because he is afraid that she will be unhappy.

This is very easy to get hurt!
"That's good~~" Xiao Zai Zai nodded his head, took a big breath, "It's so heavy!"

"Shall I get it for you?"

"Okay, thank you Baba~~" The little eyes reluctantly followed the trophy that was handed out.

That was the first little red flower she got... oh no, a trophy!
Yu Jinxiao took the trophy, and Xiao Zai Zai immediately stretched out his claws again: "Pull and hold~"

Yu Jinxiao didn't grab that little paw right away, looked up at He Yitong's direction, and suddenly wrapped the little cub into his arms with the arms holding the trophy.

"Quack~~" Xiao Zai Zai happily moved his head to his neck, like a little cat looking for a place to sleep.

With the other free hand, Yu Jinxiao had other plans.

He Yitong froze for a moment, then saw that arm full of security approaching in front of her.

Only then did she suddenly realize that she passed her hand up, and immediately got the feedback of clenching.

The family went out happily and was photographed by the paparazzi.

There are any angles.

Even if there is no proper lighting, they are all snapshots, but the looks of the three members of the Yu family cannot be overstated.

Even if you walk around casually, it is a beautiful landscape that cannot be ignored.

In particular, the small detail of holding the baby in one hand and holding the wife in the other sparked a big discussion on the Internet in an instant.

However, there are also many fans who are not reconciled, and began to take the rhythm on the Internet, saying that Yu Yuanyuan's award was bought back.

He Yitong and the others dare not scold her, her strength is recognized, even if she is black, she looks like a hard black.

But fans of other actors who lost their trophies because of Yu Yuanyuan also voiced doubts to some extent.

(End of this chapter)

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