The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1837 They are justifiably arrogant

Chapter 1837 They are justifiably arrogant

The next day, these news reached Yu Jinxiao's ears.

Among the several congratulatory news, this hot search that popped up is particularly dazzling.

"Father, what do you want me to do?" As soon as Yu Yingze got out of school, he heard Aunt Chen say that Dad had something to ask him.

Yu Jinxiao put down his mobile phone and raised his eyes: "Lend me your mobile phone."

"Ah?" Yu Yingze doubted his ears, looked down, and looked at Dad's mobile phone on the table.

It's weird, I have a mobile phone that I don't use, why should I borrow it from him?
"I just want to use your account to post a Weibo."

"What Weibo?"

"Don't worry, it won't be a Weibo that damages your image."

Yu Yingze was dubious, but he went back to his room and obediently took the phone over.

It's just that he has to supervise every word that Dad typed!

"Yuanyuan won the award with her own strength, but someone became ugly because of her own jealousy."

It was only then that Yu Yingze suddenly realized that his father had read too much news on the Internet, he couldn't bear it, and wanted to use his mouth to scold others.

Anyway, he has been using this account to hate people all year round, most of the people gathered here are Yu Yuanyuan's fans, there will always be someone who will stand up and uphold justice.

In the past two days, Yu Yingze was busy with the exams, so he seldom posted on Weibo, and even the news of Yu Yuanyuan's award was not updated urgently.

Anyway, there is a live broadcast, and most netizens can receive the news in time.

"Father, what you say... well, it's up to standard."


"It's just, why don't you post it with your own account?"

In order to promote the cute explosion 1+1 before, Yu Jinxiao also found out his old account, and sent out a few promotional posts, but it was useless after that.

Since the variety show became popular, his account has increased a lot of fans, and the number is huge.

But after waiting for a long time, everyone found out that this is a zombie account, and it doesn't update Weibo at all.

Everyone spontaneously left a message under the latest Weibo every time there was something wrong.

I didn't ask Yu Jinxiao to reply, nor asked him to see it, just for fun.

After Yu Jinxiao used Yu Yingze's account to post this Weibo, it once again attracted the attention of many people.

[Why do you feel that this tone is not like the usual tone of the second brother of the Yu family]

【Anyway, it's impossible for Yuanyuan to type these words】

[Exclusion method - it must be Yu's father who hit him]

Yu Jinxiao never expected that the blindfold that he thought was perfect would be cracked so quickly.

There were fans of other finalists who came to join in the fun after seeing the trending searches.

There are always people who are unwilling to accept the facts, and have eccentricities in the comment area.

[Oh, quite arrogant!The Yu family turned out to be this kind of people]

[As a passer-by, I think the Yu family has the capital to be arrogant, and they are arrogant for a reason, not without reason. 】

【Yeah, Yuanyuan has acted well in the first place! 】

【Hmph, next year Yuanyuan will show you the actress! 】

Almost everyone on the Internet believes that Yu Yuanyuan's acting path has already started, and she will continue to present more works on a smooth track.

However, Yu Jinxiao's plan was completely different from everyone else's.

After "The End of Homecoming", she never took on any starring movies or TV series.

Yu Jinxiao hopes that she will put more energy into her studies. Although she is only in kindergarten now, she will need a lot of attention in elementary school and junior high school. If she is distracted by filming too much, Yu Yuanyuan may return to her original tutoring Life.

In fact...

Even though the filming didn't take too much time, when Yu Yuanyuan was in the first grade of primary school, Yu Jinxiao once again invited Shen Ji to come to her home to give her tutoring.

(End of this chapter)

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