The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1847 You Can't Tell Yuanyuan About This

Shen Ji was in charge of painting, while Gu Beiyan was shaking with a smile while holding his mobile phone.

It has to be said that Shen Ji's painting skills are quite good, and he quickly painted Ruan Xiaojie as a big pig's head and Ruan Xiaosi as a big turtle.

As ugly as you want, like two big monsters.

During the recording of the video, Gu Beiyan wanted to speak several times, but was interrupted by Shen Ji's fierce eyes.

He shrank his neck, held up his phone and continued to take pictures quietly.

"Okay, isn't this fair? I said I wouldn't hurt you," Shen Ji pulled the phone away from Gu Beiyan's hand, "If you bother Yu Yuanyuan in the future, this The video will appear on the school website and at the same time ... that video will be submitted to the school."

"No, no, no, definitely not." Ruan Xiaojie waved his hands desperately.

"Okay, you," Shen Ji raised his finger to Ruan Xiaosi, "send Yuanyuan a message to apologize."

"Yes." Ruan Xiaosi saw that her brother had given up, so how could she dare to be stubborn.

She took out her mobile phone and sent Yu Yuanyuan an apology message without any hesitation, written with sincere feelings, without any sign of dissatisfaction.

of course.

She typed every word under Shen Ji's nose.

After doing all this well, Shen Ji asked them to leave through the back door of the school when they went back later, and they were not allowed to go out through the main door.

After the two nodded vigorously, their footsteps moved sideways little by little.

Seeing that Shen Ji didn't stop them, the two rushed out and ran wildly.

"Can you return my phone?" Gu Beiyan spread his hands, the video was shot by him, and the phone is also his.

But Shen Ji acted just now, as if the phone belonged to him.

Without hesitation, Shen Ji handed the phone back to Gu Beiyan.

Gu Beiyan, who wanted to appreciate the scene just now, opened the photo album...the video is gone! ! !

"Why did you delete the video??" Gu Beiyan was startled.

It's not that words are used as an excuse, if these two people trouble Yu Yuanyuan again in the future, it will be miserable!

"I sent it to my phone."

"Then don't delete mine, I want to keep it too!"

Shen Ji didn't pay attention to his words, but said in an admonishing tone, "Remember, you can't tell Yuanyuan about this."

"Why can't you tell Yuanyuan?"

"You know Yuanyuan is very kind. She shouldn't want to know that you took pictures of others with your mobile phone, wanted to threaten others, and even wanted to keep watching them repeatedly."

An elementary school student with a huge gap in experience was quickly bluffed by Shen Ji's words.

Gu Beiyan only hopes that she will always be the best impression in Yuanyuan's heart, and she must never know anything bad!


When the two walked out of the school gate, Yu Yuanyuan's milk tea had run out, and she was looking for them eagerly holding an empty cup.

"Brother Shen Ji, Bei Yan!"

"Master, why did you take so long..." The servant who picked up Gu Beiyan rushed up to meet him, with a nervous and worried expression on his face.

"I'm fine," Gu Beiyan shook his head, and waved to Yu Yuanyuan by the car window, "Yuanyuan, I'm home! Bye!"


Shen Ji opened the car door and sat in the back row, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't wait to ask Ruan Xiaosi and Ruan Xiaojie what to do next.

"I have reasoned with them, and they have realized their mistakes, and they will not trouble Yuanyuan again." Shen Ji's eyebrows and eyes seem to have completely changed from those in the stairwell just now, and now he is gentle and friendly His appearance didn't have the slightest bit of coldness and ruthlessness that threatened people just now.

"Wow, brother Shen Ji is so amazing, he can actually make a bad boy apologize!"

"They know they were wrong, of course they should apologize to Yuanyuan."

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