"Actually, I know that Ruan Xiaosi took my hairpin." Yu Yuanyuan sat in the back row and explained.

Shen Ji was aroused by Yu Yuanyuan's words: "What did Yuanyuan plan to do?"

"Ask the teacher to adjust the monitoring!"

This is also one of the methods.

There is no monitoring in the lounge, but the corridor must be monitored.

Just look it up and you'll know for sure who has entered her room during lunch break.

But Ruan Xiaosi thought that it was just a hairpin, who would mobilize people to adjust the monitoring?
This is too exaggerated!

But to Yu Yuanyuan, that hairpin was very important, and she didn't make a fuss about it in her heart.

"Yuanyuan has another choice," Shen Ji smiled, and patted her on the head lightly, "Tell me."

"But Yuanyuan wants to solve it by herself."

"Then Yuanyuan can also tell me, let's discuss the solution together, and then act, right?"

"It seems to be too."

Yu Yuanyuan was successfully fooled, and nodded obediently.

"That Yuanyuan is at school, are there other classmates bullying you?"


"Then are there any other students you don't like?"

"Ruan Xiaosi."

"Is that the girl just now?" Shen Ji seems to have vaguely heard the boy just now call his sister "Xiaosi".

"Well, she doesn't speak well, Yuanyuan doesn't like it."

"Then who are they talking about Bai Ningqiu?" Shen Ji seemed to have made a bigger circle, and finally got back to the topic.

Yu Yuanyuan thought about it seriously, and replied, "Student."

All of her subtle expressions were carefully observed by Shen Ji. When Bai Ningqiu was mentioned, Yu Yuanyuan's reaction seemed to be just hearing a familiar name.

He knew Yu Yuanyuan too well.

Even if it's just a turn of her eyes and a slight frown, a lot of information can be read.

"Are you also Yuanyuan's good friend?" Shen Ji softened the seriousness of the question with a smile, "If he fights with Gu Beiyan, who will Yuanyuan help?"

"Of course it's to help Beiyan!"

Well, good, he understands, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After returning home, Yu Yuanyuan did not tell Yu Jinxiao what happened today, nor did Shen Ji specifically mention it.

This is just a trivial matter, he has already resolved it, there is no need to let Mr. Yu know.

Business as usual.

After the tuition was over, it was already dark, Yu Yuanyuan sent Shen Ji out of the yard, and bounced back to the room to play with Barbie dolls.

In the pink room, there are many plush toys and beautiful dolls.

The person who can sit at seat C is a little lion doll.

Yu Yuanyuan casually picked up the doll that was half dressed up yesterday, and was about to continue styling it, when the phone that was placed aside suddenly rang.

The caller ID was from He Yitong.

Ma Ma was filming outside recently, and would call her on Fridays every week, but today is only Tuesday.

"Ma Ma~~" After Yu Yuanyuan got connected, she spoke softly.

But the voice from the phone seemed to be about to explode: "Yuanyuan! Are you at home!"


"My dog ​​system that I haven't seen for a long time has appeared again, saying that Wonderland has been completely restored!!"

"Wow!! Then can we enrich our family?"

"But...you go to Dad quickly to see if there is anything wrong. I will talk about other things when I come back. I am on my way."

After the words fell, the phone was hung up, and Yu Yuanyuan held the phone and was about to get up to find Yu Jinxiao.

But the moment she stood up, the brightly lit room suddenly fell into darkness.

This kind of darkness is abnormally dark, and she can't see her fingers... She can no longer find her own direction.

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