The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1850 Very Kind Person

Facing the opposite direction from where the voice came from, Yu Yuanyuan moved lightly.

But gradually, she saw a ray of cool light appearing in front of her, in vain, with a gentle feeling that could comfort people's hearts.

People always yearn for light in darkness.

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help speeding up her pace, the light became clearer and clearer.

A tall cave appeared ahead, and it was from there that the light came.

She didn't go in hastily, but lay down at the corner and watched quietly for a while... She didn't see any monsters, nor did she see any danger!

Instead, there was a huge white stone in the cave, with a faint crack on the stone.

This stone is even bigger than Yu Yuanyuan, looking up from below, the scene is quite spectacular.

"Wow..." Yu Yuanyuan turned her head and sighed in surprise.

"Round round..."

"Who! Who's talking about hair!" Yu Yuanyuan almost bit her tongue after being startled.

She turned her head to look around, but she couldn't see anything moving around her.

"It's me, the stone in front of you."

Stone? !
The stone has spoken!
After staying in the book world for too long, Yu Yuanyuan has already forgotten many things about the fairyland.

For her, the stones in that world couldn't speak, and it was scary to hear the stone calling her name suddenly.

"It was you... who brought me to this place?" Yu Yuanyuan's voice was thin and weak, and she continued to hold up her phone to keep it in front of her.

There's nowhere to hide here, and the only thing that can answer her questions is a big rock, and she wants to figure out what happened.

"This is the fairyland you've been living in before," Da Shi's voice was thick and powerful, "You came here when you were a child, but you didn't see me."

"What! Jieli is a fairyland!" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened, and she turned her head to look around in surprise, "No wonder Mama just said that the dog system..."

Shenshi: "...that dog system is me."

"Pull out the good intentions." Yu Yuanyuan shrank her neck.

"It's okay, I know your mother hates the various tasks I gave her as a system," Shenshi said with a slight smile, "but at that time my divine power was affected by 'Chaos', so I could only use this method Here is a chance for her to stay in that world after completing her mission."

Yu Yuanyuan is no longer a three-year-old kid, as a fifth-grade kid, she can understand many things.

The big eyes looked at the god stone without blinking, trying to digest its words.

"No one knows when Chaos will disappear, but as long as she completes the task and makes a wish, she can let everyone live in that world safely."

"You mean, after Ma Ma completes the mission, we can all live in that world if we wish?"

"No, it's more than that." A warm smile could be heard in Shenshi's voice.

"Your mother is a very kind person."

Yu Yuanyuan, who was aroused by curiosity, couldn't help but took two steps forward, and asked, "What is Ma Ma Xu's wish?"

"You were not the only ones who escaped to the world you were in at that time," Shenshi explained Yu Yuanyuan's doubts, "Your mother's wish was that all the creatures that escaped from other worlds can live in this world safely. until the chaos disappears."

When He Yitong made a wish, he was not only thinking of his own family, but also other people who came to this world to escape the chaos.

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