The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1851 The Lucky Little Meow

There used to be so many small animals living in the fairyland. When the chaos came, they all fled to different worlds, just to avoid this catastrophe.

There must be small animals that escaped to Yu Yuanyuan's world, but they don't know it.

"Then I'm back in Wonderland now... Are Ba Ba and Ma Ma still in the original book world?" Yu Yuanyuan caught the most critical question.

"Well, they are still in the book world."

"Wow——" a cry sounded like the roar of a train.

Even the divine stone was shaken violently.

"Don't cry..." Shenshi panicked with a calm tone, and unexpectedly felt a subtle sense of joy, "I can bring your Baba Mama and brothers back to the fairyland."

"Really?" The crying stopped abruptly, and the little red eyes stared at it curiously.

The god stone shook slightly, and said with a smile in his voice, "Yuanyuan, you can help me a lot, and of course I won't cheat you."

"Shall I help you? When? Why don't I remember?" Yu Yuanyuan thought about it, but she couldn't remember that she had seen the God Stone.

This is the first meeting, so how could it be possible to help it?

"We met soon after Yuanyuan was born."

Shenshi talked eloquently about what had happened.

It has sensed that Chaos is getting closer and closer to Wonderland, and has been trying to find a way to save the world.

However, it can't communicate with the small animals outside the cave, and they can't receive the signals of different classes of the god stone at all.

Shenshi waited for hundreds of years, and finally waited for a special little life to be born.

The vast and boundless fairyland, the moment she was born, the god stone sensed her existence.

This existence is Yu Yuanyuan.

Shenshi enriched most of his divine power on her body, so that this newborn cat was inspired by the divine power, and even the color of its fur faded into a white snowball cat.

From the moment the fairyland exists, the god stone has been absorbing the essence of the world, and has a longer history than all the creatures here.

unimaginably long.

Its existence is to bring stability, happiness and beauty to this world, even divine power.

After Yu Yuanyuan inherited its calling, she also became a little meow that can attract fortune and good fortune.

Always bring good luck to others.

It was through Yu Yuanyuan that the god stone successfully saved all the small animals in the fairyland.

When the chaos was getting closer, Shenshi relied on Yu Yuanyuan to find the safest world...the world in the book.

Fairyland is connected to too many worlds, but it is not only Fairyland that is affected by chaos, it must find the safest place.

I don't know whether it's a coincidence or an arrangement of fate, but before the arrival of Chaos, it happened to be the time of Yu Jinxiao's calamity. The little cub who couldn't do without his father also left the fairyland in a hurry in order to find his father.

I found one world after another.

Yu Yuanyuan's body has the power of the divine stone, and at the same time can transmit back the corresponding induction of the divine stone.

It found the safest book world through Yu Yuanyuan.

Before the chaos came, the god stone opened the door to this world, allowing all creatures to escape to this safe world.

But going from one world to another will have immeasurable impact.

Very few people retain their original memories, and most people completely lose their memories of the fairyland because they entered a brand new world.

After getting ready, the Divine Stone saw the chaos descending on the fairyland. It used up its last strength and combined with the world in the book to create the "dog system" that He Yitong detested.

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