The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1855 Not as good, shall we go?

This kick hurts so much.

Yu Jinxiao got up and turned back into a black panther, and walked out slowly.

I caught a few fish in the water, and picked some fairy fruits. It seems that there is not much difference in the daily menu.

Yu Yuanyuan used to love fish and fairy fruit the most.

Taking the food back, Yu Jinxiao instinctively prepared to throw it on the ground——

Yu Yingze cried out in shock: "Don't put it on the ground! It's too dirty!!"

Are you kidding, didn't you eat like this before?
Why is it so dirty now!

Yu Yingze raised his hand and pushed a stone slab: "Put it here," paused, and added, "Thank you, Dad."

The stone slab in front of him seemed to be a dinner plate for ordinary meals.

Yu Yuanyuan also followed suit, ran out and brought back a small leaf, and pushed it forward: "Thank you Baba~~"

Yu Jinxiao placed food next to him, and when it was Yu Mingxi's turn, he simply found a stone slab for him to put food on.

"I want to do the same!" He Yitong raised her paw to signal.

The big black figure went out and turned back, dragging back a clean and smooth stone slab.

Yu Jinxiao put all the rest of the food on the big stone slab.

The children's are all ready, so they will use a stone slab together.

Unexpectedly, after the food was placed, Yu Jinxiao was about to go up to eat when a paw was slapped on his face.

"Why are you using my dinner plate?" He Yitong said loudly, "Everyone should have their own dinner plate!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." He really missed the world in the book more and more.

Food and daily life can be prepared as long as you spend money, you don’t need to use stones as dinner plates, and you can buy all kinds of beautiful dinner plates as long as you spend money.

As long as you spend money...the possibilities are endless in that world.

Yu Jinxiao probably knew what he missed about that world.

Another boring day.

At night, Yu Yingze started talking about his game console again.

He said he was even starting to miss schoolwork.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu From the dark cave.

Everyone was startled, and after listening carefully, they found that the crying came from the deepest part.

A little white cat curled up there pitifully, crying like a shaking little white ball.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter with you?" He Yitong stepped forward and smoothed the messy hair on her head.

"Mama, I really want to go back," Yu Yuanyuan sobbed, her eyes were red, "I really miss Brother Shen Ji, Aunt Chen, Sister Bei, Brother Jiang, Uncle Yang, Beiyan, Qiqi, Xiangzifei..."

Everyone just listened to Yu Yuanyuan counting the names for a few minutes.

Probably everyone she has met in this life has been counted in it.

Yu Jinxiao pondered some comforting words, and just as he was about to speak, He Yitong also said quietly: "Actually, I really want to go back, I like acting."

"I also miss my game console, I want to play football, I want to think about computers..." Good guy, this is not a living thing.

"I also want to read books. I have only read a few bookcases in the library, and there are many, many more that I haven't read." After Yu Mingxi finished speaking, Yu Yingze who was beside him obviously didn't understand this idea, and took a breath of air.

"Why don't we go back?" Finally, He Yitong made a concluding proposal.

Several pairs of eyes stared straight at Yu Jinxiao, waiting for him to give an answer.

Right now, almost the whole family wants to return to the book world, just waiting for him to express his opinion.

"You really want to go back?"

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