The villain's group pet cute cub

Is Chapter 1856 still the original timeline?

After Yu Jinxiao finished asking, the heads around him were all shaking vigorously.

You can see how much they want to go back to that world.

The colorful world is fascinating, as long as the family is together, it will be more attractive to return to that more exciting world.

"It's just... not sure what's going on in that world right now."

They have already come back, shouldn't they lose their memory and start all over again after going back?

Thinking of what he experienced in the early days of that world, Yu Jinxiao's back shivered.

"Let's go ask that big rock!" Yu Yuanyuan's happy voice came from the shortest place.

Tilting her white, chubby head, blinking her innocent eyes, she proposed.

"That's right, let's ask the Divine Stone," He Yitong snapped his fingers when suddenly realized, "Maybe there is a way to go back smoothly without having to do it all over again, and without losing memory?"

Just do what you say, a group of people...a group of animals squeezed out and headed for the cave where the god stone is located.

The last time they came to the cave, everyone was eager to get out of this dark place.

But this time, each of them was full of excitement, even a little bit of joy.

It was very dark in the cave at first, but gradually there was a twilight as we walked.

Following the light, one can easily find the divine stone.

But it is also strange.

They walked out of the cave for a long time last time, why did they go in so quickly to find the god stone this time?
As if the distance in and out is different.

Yu Jinxiao even had a wonderful guess that the divine stone shortened the distance on purpose.

"Shenshi, hello~~~" As soon as she stepped into the huge cave entrance, Yu Yuanyuan bounced over to say hello.

The light of the divine stone makes people feel warm, and Yu Yuanyuan automatically outlines a kind and gentle image for it.

"Yuanyuan, what are you doing here?"

Shen Shi seemed to have guessed something, and asked straight to the point.

"Yes~" Yu Yuanyuan jumped happily, "Can you help us return to the world of books?"

"Go back? Why go back?"

"Because we all like that world!"

In fact, on the way here, Yu Jinxiao has been thinking about how to organize his words.

They originally belonged here, but now they actually want to go back to another world, will Shenshi think their request is very unreasonable?

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan is really a person who can't hide her words, and she said everything as soon as she got here.

That's okay, there's no need for him to struggle with how to explain.

The Divine Stone was silent, and as soon as it was silent, Yu Yuanyuan was confused, thinking that there was no hope for going back.

With a mournful face, she rushed over and gently poked the base under it with her hand: "No... can't you go back?"

That little face was extremely wronged, Shen Shi broke the silence: "It's not impossible..."

"That's fine!" He Yitong immediately deciphered the meaning of Shenshi's words, and winked at the children excitedly.

"We are not sure what the situation in that world is like." Yu Jinxiao pressed his restless heads, "If we go back again, can we still retain the current memory?"

Shenshi saw Yu Jinxiao's worry, and smiled softly: "I can send you back, and you won't lose your current memories, but if you want to go back to the fairyland from that world... when that world dies. "

"Then... When we go back, will it still be the original timeline?" Yu Yingze squeezed Yu Jinxiao's arm away and asked with a leopard head.

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