The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1862 It's useless to call you Dad

"Ah?" Gu Beiyan raised his head, there was a kind of clear stupidity on that pretty face.

"Your IQ can escape from the secret room?" Yu Yingze casually picked up the folder and patted the opposite hand, "This will only seriously expose how stupid you are! Are you trying to lose fans?"

Gu Beiyan didn't dare to speak, shrunk his neck, and instantly became a well-behaved quail: "I can't..."

"Isn't it? Did you forget the last variety show?" Yu Yingze had a headache, pinched the bridge of his nose, and almost frowned, "Being your manager is really bad for eight lifetimes."

"Oh, it's not that exaggerated." No matter how harsh Yu Yingze's words are, Gu Beiyan seems to have gotten used to it, always smiling, "By the way, which variety show did Yuanyuan accept? I can go on with her! There is one Take care, how nice."

"No——" Yu Yingze put away the other folders, pulled out one and pushed it in front of him, "If you don't choose, I'll help you choose, this."

Opening it and taking a look, Gu Beiyan's eyes widened: "I don't want it! This will be exhausting!!"

"Shut up, it's settled."

"Brother Ze—"

"It's useless to call you Dad."

"Papa Ze—"

"To shut up!"

Yu Yingze ignored him, but turned on the TV on the wall with the remote control, and concentrated on watching the interview on it.

"It was not easy for us to invite Yuanyuan to be a guest. I believe everyone is very curious about many things about Yuanyuan. Today we will reveal them one by one on the show..."

After the host gave the opening introduction, amidst applause, a white figure walked in from outside the camera.

The girl was wearing a white, simple dress, with her hair loosely draped over her shoulders.

The moment she stepped into the camera, her skin was as white as a reflection.

After sitting on the sofa, Yu Yuanyuan smiled and waved to the camera: "Hi everyone, I'm Yuanyuan, I'm very happy to be here today."

Her eyes are as round as grapes, innocent and cute like a deer.

Just a slight smile at the camera can make people feel the beauty of the sun shining on their bodies.

"Brother Ze, take this kind..." Gu Beiyan raised his finger and pointed, "Sit comfortably in the room, help me take this kind of show."

"You're dreaming." Yu Yingze stared at him.

The interview went from shallow to deep. At the beginning, it talked about Yu Yuanyuan's career experience and some interesting things she encountered while filming.

Most of these have been mentioned in other programs, and relevant information can be found on the Internet.

"However, I believe everyone should be very curious about how Yuanyuan has so many skills! For example, snowboarding, skateboarding, cooking, martial arts, boxing, piano, basketball, short track speed skating, snowboarding..." the host After reading it against the word board for a long time, I almost died.

At first, netizens also thought that Yu Yuanyuan was doing it for the sake of acting, so they crammed together and learned some superficial things.

But gradually they discovered...Yu Yuanyuan didn't just know superficially, but really knew it!
The details of the performance, the look in the eyes and the words said in the interview are absolutely not ignorant.

But what surprised everyone the most was that the production team said that they didn't specifically ask Yu Yuanyuan to learn these skills, she learned them all at her fingertips, as if she would have been able to.

"Because I have many great friends." After saying that, Yu Yuanyuan smiled mysteriously at the camera.

Yu Yingze shifted his satisfied eyes to Gu Beiyan, and suddenly turned into disgust: "Did you see it?"

"I saw it, Yuanyuan!" Gu Beiyan replied straightforwardly.

Yu Yingze raised his forehead: "Do you think that the variety shows I chose for Yuanyuan are bigger, while you... are always more demanding?"

"Yes... a little bit."

"You don't even look at it. What Yuanyuan learned, she also taught you, how about you!"

Gu Beiyan fell silent.

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