The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1863 I am Yuanyuan's special double

Since his debut, Gu Beiyan has been signed by Yu Yingze, and he knows that Brother Ze is mostly looking at Yu Yuanyuan's face.

One must know that before this, Brother Ze didn't take anyone with him except Yuanyuan.

So far, only exceptions have been made for him.

Gu Beiyan knew that all of this was because of Yuanyuan.

After several years of contact, Gu Beiyan has also figured out Yu Yingze's temper. Even if Brother Ze speaks harshly, everything is for their own good and will never harm him.

He doesn't speak well, but he is always thinking about them.

No matter how Yu Yingze hurt him, Gu Beiyan was never angry, nor would he take it to heart.

Thinking about it carefully, Brother Ze's words are also true. Yuanyuan's friends are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and she has also learned a lot of useful skills from these friends.

And he himself... seems to be far behind!
People, don't blindly challenge things that are higher than your own abilities.

"Brother Ze, it's up to you! I choose this!" Gu Beiyan snapped his fingers and clicked on the folder on the table.

Yu Yingze opened the file with satisfaction, and asked Gu Beiyan to carefully read the above requirements and content.

"Tsk tsk, let me pick up such a hard-working variety show. It must be very hard for Yuanyuan to go." Gu Beiyan watched, but he didn't forget to put gold on his face.

After hearing what he said, Yu Yingze sneered sarcastically: "You don't need to worry about that."

at this time.


A building was tightly surrounded, and there were several cameras pointing at high places downstairs, and fire pads were set up underneath, and the surrounding area was dead silent.

Everyone's face was tense, and their eyes were fixed on the high place.

"Wow—" Suddenly, the glass shattered.

A girl came out of the window, and after falling for two seconds, she landed firmly on the cushion below.

Yu Yuanyuan rushed forward to help everyone pick up the girl who was trapped in the mat.

When the person was pulled out, the two people in front of them seemed to be twins, no matter the clothes, figure, height, or hairstyle, they were all exactly the same.

If you ignore the face, it is impossible to tell who is who.

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, how are you? Are you injured?" Yu Yuanyuan nervously helped to remove the fragments from Wang Xiaobao's body.

The glass of the window is specially made so that it will not cut people when broken.

But it was so densely covered, some even got into the clothes, which was very uncomfortable.

"It's okay!" Wang Xiaobao got up and shook, and even jumped up to show Yu Yuanyuan, "I'm a professional, how can something happen!"

"That's right, Yuanyuan, Xiaobao is amazing, don't worry." The director smiled and gave Wang Xiaobao a thumbs up.

At this height, at this distance, no other martial arts stand-in would dare to go up.

Only Wang Xiaobao took a look, patted his heart and said, "It's a small thing."

When the director heard it, he seemed to have found a savior, so he almost knelt down for her.

This shot is the soul of the movie.

I believe that when it is officially released, this picture will cause screams at the scene.

But this level of difficulty absolutely cannot be done by Yu Yuanyuan himself, it must be a professional double, otherwise it is easy to cause a big accident.

What the crew is most afraid of is killing people. At least, the shooting progress will stop, and at worst, the shooting will be stranded.

All the energy and money invested went down the drain.

"Wow, Xiaobao and Yuanyuan are standing together. If you don't look at your face, you really can't tell who is who!" The makeup artist came up to touch up Yu Yuanyuan's makeup, and sighed with a smile.

Yu Yuanyuan is famous for her strong affinity, everyone gets along with her like a friend, relaxed and at ease.

After hearing what the makeup artist said, Wang Xiaobao raised his arms and hugged Yu Yuanyuan's shoulders: "It was because of Yuanyuan that I started being a substitute. I am Yuanyuan's special substitute!"

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