Chapter 1870
But Yu Yuanyuan suddenly remembered the way Qiu Yang used to hate him.

Seeing his back holding the milk tea, Yu Yuanyuan felt a little regretful.

Woohoo, that's Ming Xuanting's milk tea!

She didn't even have a chance to buy it herself, this time it was Gu Beiyan who bought it to show her courtesy, so she had the opportunity to drink so many glasses at once!
Yu Yuanyuan touched the remaining milk tea, then lay back on the chair to rest.

Obviously the costume she is wearing is handsome and capable, but her state at this time is completely different from that in the play, as if she is a salted fish that has come ashore to breathe.

You should eat and drink, don't worry about it.

Pulling out a novel from the small cabinet at the side, Yu Yuanyuan flipped to the place where the bookmark was sandwiched, and continued to read it intently.

The novel is in the style of suspense and horror, and the writing is very exciting and thrilling. Whenever Yu Yuanyuan takes a break, he will take it out and read it for a while.

It's just that there are occasional scary plots in the story, Yu Yuanyuan is afraid and wants to read it.

"Round round!"

"Ah!" Suddenly someone patted Yu Yuanyuan's shoulder from behind, causing the book in her hand to drop in fright.

The person who came was a makeup artist, who wanted to touch up her makeup before the shooting started.

The staff members who had dinner came back one after another, and the surroundings were bustling, and the make-up artist didn't understand why she frightened Yu Yuanyuan.

"I just saw the protagonist being followed by the murderer." Yu Yuanyuan picked up the book that fell on the floor, patted her heart, "I'm nervous."

The make-up artist glanced at the title of the book, and raised her voice as if she had found a bosom friend: "Yuanyuan, are you reading this book too? I am also reading it!! Could it be that you have accepted the film and television and familiarized yourself with the content in advance?" ?”

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly fell silent, faltering: ""

In fact, she did pay lip service to the film adaptation of the book.

As Ling Zi said, Yu Yuanyuan's temperament is very similar to the heroine in the book, and she will definitely be able to play this role.

But this matter is only a verbal agreement, and the formal contract has not been signed yet, so we cannot tell others in advance.

When the makeup artist saw Yu Yuanyuan's reaction, she immediately put on an "I understand, I understand" look, and focused on touching up her makeup: "That's great, that's great. You are the most suitable! My dream has come true!"

Yu Yuanyuan: "..." Isn't it a little late to make excuses at this time?

"By the way, Yuanyuan, do you know the author Ling Zi?"

"Ah, we grew up together."

"No wonder, I think yours is a signed copy," the makeup artist sighed enviously, "I heard that Ling Zi never gives autographs, and your signed copy is simply too rare."

"Yes..." Yu Yuanyuan agreed with a smile.

If she told her that there were not only signatures in the book, but also his words of blessing in it, wouldn't she be envious of her to death?

When the new book was released, Ling Zi gave everyone a copy, and his blessings were written on the title page of each book, and the words of each book were different.

There are not many night scenes today, the filming ended smoothly, and Yu Yuanyuan returned to Yu's house ahead of schedule.

Seeing his daughter who came back suddenly, Yu Jinxiao was stunned on the stairs.

Before this, he hadn't seen Yu Yuanyuan for 8 days and hadn't talked to her on the phone for 4 days.

Every time I called, no one answered, and Yu Yuanyuan would return a voice message when she was done with work.

As time passed, Yu Jinxiao felt like a lonely old man looking for boredom, so he didn't bother her anymore.

"Baba—" rushing from downstairs to upstairs, Yu Yuanyuan made a tiger pounce, exactly the same as when she was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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