The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1871 The person with the lowest status in the family

Yu Jinxiao firmly caught the daughter who rushed over, but put on a displeased face: "You know you're home?"

"Recently, the filming progress is very fast, I'm a little busy!" Yu Yuanyuan, who was acting like a baby, smiled and stood obediently, looking for Mama.

"You Mama went to talk with your second uncle today."

"What! Is Ma Ma going to take on the second uncle's new play!" They were all in the same circle, and Yu Yuanyuan had already received some rumors.

"How do I know, she hasn't come back yet."

Just as I was talking, there was movement downstairs.

It was clearly at night, but He Yitong was still wearing sunglasses, her black hair like a waterfall was scattered over her shoulders, and the years hadn't left a trace on her face.

To this day, many people are wondering whether the Yu family has any magic weapon for eternal youth.

Yu Yuanyuan has grown so big, Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong don't seem to have changed much, it's unbelievable.

"Yuanyuan is back?" He Yitong heard Yu Yuanyuan's voice downstairs.

The girl who was still on the second floor rushed to the first floor in an instant, and another tiger pounced: "Ma Ma——"

"Zai Zai, you just came back, how about we go to eat at my friend's new restaurant on the weekend?" He Yitong launched a food offensive.

She came back today on purpose, and also received word from the crew that Yu Yuanyuan would go home today.

He Yitong has eyes and ears in all major film crews, and he once managed many people to take care of Yu Yuanyuan.

She knew exactly what her daughter was doing.

It's been a long time since their family sat down to have a good meal.

"Weekend? I have plans for Saturday!" Yu Yuanyuan quickly checked out the itinerary on her phone, and checked again, "Sunday is fine."

"All right, I have an appointment for Sunday."

"You still have to ask Mingxi." Yu Jinxiao who came down from the upstairs extinguished He Yitong's happiness.

"That's right, Mingxi's time is also hard to determine. I'll ask when he comes back."

He Yitong put away the phone, sighed, and lay down on the sofa exhaustedly: "Mingxi is so busy every day, can his body bear it?"

"I'm not who I was when I was a child," a laughing voice came from the door, and Yu Mingxi, who was already tall and straight, walked in from the outside, his hair seemed to be wet with the dew of the night, "It is important to be able to save and help people." A very happy thing."

"Brother~" Yu Yuanyuan jumped up, a hug swept away Yu Mingxi's fatigue today.

"It's been a long time since I saw Yuanyuan." Flicking the hair on Yu Yuanyuan's forehead with his fingers, a gentle smile appeared on Yu Mingxi's handsome face.

"Brother, are you busy recently?"

"One thing, several major surgeries have been booked in the past few days."

"I'll just transfer you to a private hospital. The money is so easy and you can do what you like, okay?" Yu Jinxiao took a sip of his coffee, and deliberately picked a time when there were many people to talk about it, just to hope Everyone can persuade Yu Mingxi.

As long as he says a word, Yu Jinxiao can let him enter the best private hospital in the country. With Yu Mingxi's ability, he can make great achievements anywhere.

But no matter what Yu Jinxiao suggested, Yu Mingxi insisted on going to the public hospital.

I am very busy every day, but I have never heard his complaints.

"Mingxi, are you free on Sunday? Let's sit down and have a good meal as a family!" He Yitong regained his spirit.

"I'm off on Sunday, I have time, but Yingze..."

"He must be free." He Yitong's tone was stern.

Yu Yingze, who had just stepped into the door, listened to the whole conversation, and said "huh": "What's the matter, am I the person with the lowest family status in this family?"

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